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May 23rd 2023
"بند دروازوں کے پیچھے"
Behind closed doors
شاید وہ ڈاکومنٹری ہے جس کی وجہ سے ارشد شریف کو شہید کر دیا گیا۔
1 گھنٹے کی اس ڈاکومنٹری میں پاکستانیوں کا سر شرم سے تقریبا 20 منٹ تک جھکا رہے گا۔ 21 منٹ 13 سیکنڈ سے لیکر 40 منٹ تک
کا حصہ ہم پاکستانیوں کے لٹنے کی داستان پر محیط ہے۔
میں نے سوچا اپنے پاکستانیوں کے لئیے اس کا خلاصہ ایک تھریڈ میں لکھ چھوڑوں۔
مجھے پورا یقین ہے کے شریف خاندان نے اس فلم میں سے بہت سارے ضروری حصے کٹوا دئیے ہونگے کیونکہ پیسہ ہر جگہ چلتا ہے۔
ارشد شریف نے جس مفصل انداز سے رمضان شوگر Image
ملز اور حدیبیہ پیپر ملز کے بارے میں بمعہ ثبوت سمجھایا اس کی اور کوئی مثال نہیں ملتی۔
ارشد شریف نے اپنی شہادت سے پہلے ایک دفعہ پھر اپنے پروفیشنلزم کو ثابت کیا۔ یہاں سے فلم کی کہانی اس کرپٹ فیملی کی deep rooted کرپشن پہ جاتی ہے۔ Behind Doors Closed دیکھتے ہوئے مجھے بار بار جسٹس
Read 8 tweets
Sep 16th 2022
🧵 #ExpelSEL #ExposeASCA #BehindClosedDoors👇 This is what schools are conditioning children to accept. The SEL machine @casel mission states
@caselorg is creepy AF , yet SEL is in over 90% of public education as a mental health prevention 😳. Their partners in crime are just as creepy as
Read 11 tweets
Sep 14th 2022
Make sure * @ASCAtweets * sees this thread & force them to respond! Why is @ascatweets whitewashing truth about radical school counselors & censoring @CourageHabit with cooperation from @amazon and @googledrive ?! #behindcloseddoors #stopsel
Every conservative school board member in America should be asking their district how many of their school counselors attended radical No Limits @ASCAtweets conference in July — and distributing @CourageHabit info to parents!
Listen to @CourageHabit president Alvin Liu now on @AcsAgainstCRT podcast discuss #behindcloseddoors @ASCAtweets woke school counselors cabal & ACT!
Read 8 tweets
May 9th 2019
For a glimpse of why we were outclassed & out-negotiated by a transparent EU27, Storyville’s Brexit: Behind Closed Doors is a bird’s eye look into how Britain had its “head in the f***ing clouds”. The mortifying incompetence & arrogance of #GlobalBritain.…
Mark Rutte, Dutch PM, privately talks about a meeting he had with PM May. British press reported he would plead for more flexibility which wasn’t true.

“The British press..should not always listen to the spin coming out of Downing St.”

Think how much time we’d have saved.
It feels almost creepy to watch May’s early Brexit speeches. It was all so transparent, so much was predictable - & predicted.

So much of our media (but not all) obsessed/es over the personalities of Brexit, not the predictable & painful complexities of Brexit.

Read 9 tweets
Nov 2nd 2018
If you follow this account, you will know it is concerned with #coercivecontrol and abuse that is #Invisibleinplainsight.
Covert abuse need not be #BehindClosedDoors- much of it, nowadays, is online and none is more deeply misunderstood than #mobbing campaigns.
Put simply, #mobbing is bullying of an individual by a group. This can be family, peer group, school, workplace, neighborhood, community, or online.

It is almost always malicious and relies on rumor, innuendo, intimidation, humiliation, discrediting, and isolation.
Mobbing campaigns rely heavily on the reluctance of bystanders to intervene which only adds to the distress caused to the targeted individual.

One of the main reasons bystanders do nothing is because they are simply not aware of how mobbing campaigns operate.
Read 21 tweets

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