I interviewed Pielke about his book which discusses such claims, noting that he is not a climate sceptic, and that his observations do not make the case for climate scepticism.
In it, I point to the claims made by seemingly respectable organisations, such as the WRI, which receives £millions from the taxpayer for its "research". It produces graphs like this...
I pointed out that the same data the WRI used in fact reveals this:
The work in question was produced -- using £millions of UK taxpayers cash -- by none other than Nick Stern.
I hope the wonk can join the dots here, without my help.
Advocacy starts at the head. And Britain, if not the world, has a bigger problem than mere advocates.
We can also find Stern bringing his risk management expertise to the pandemic, such are his infinite talents.
But this really ought to raise questions about panjandrums, not let wonks pass their smears off as 'science'.
After all, the fact that the president of the Royal Society's sister is on the same panel is only as much of a coincidence as the fact that Stern got his profile-boosting job at the World Bank after his brother became vice-president of the World Bank.
If the Ferguson model hadn't been such obvious bullshit, then it would be harder to say all this. And if the Stern review had not been such obvious bullshit, it would be harder to say it, too.
The fact is that *advocacy* is the condition of membership of UK research organisations of any consequence.
UK "research" *rewards* issue advocacy. It institutionalises advocacy. It is *built* on advocacy.
Hence we see boilerplate Guardian smears, shared by a research wonk.
Back at the article, we see this...
But do we really believe that scientists and research who take the seemingly mainstream position do not themselves mingle with weirdo billionaires?
It's an interesting claim...
Why, gosh, it would seem that Stern is quite pally with a billionaire... Jeremy Grantham...
The GBD might well have its flaws. But its immediate entry into Guardian mythology and demonology is how we know it's bullshit.
It's the opposite version of the Gates/4G/Covid conspiracy theory.
But Gates is a good guy. He sponsors the Guardian.
Thou shall not criticise the wonks.
They don't really like being scrutinised. But they want influential roles, all the same.
They *want* political roles for "science" and "research", you see. They *want* science and research to be politicised. They *actively* politicise science and research.
And they run away when the problems are pointed out.
It's not hard to read this as terror about loss of control of narrative.
Accusations of "denial" are the shortcut to proving the interlocutor's bad faith: nefarious connections, sinister motivations, profit-seeking and malign intent.
The piece in summary is "There should be no expectation that scientists fall into line with a consensus.... Except that scientists who do not fall into line with a consensus are industry-funded propagandists who are only in it for the money".
Throughout the piece, claims like "it is misleading to suggest that giving up on suppression is anything but an outlier position" go unsubstantiated.
Even the WHO has now stated a position AGAINST lockdowns.
I find this extraordinary. In the background to claims that the GBD's authors were wrong is the fact that the models used to drive policy were wrong, authored by a team of people who have a much longer history of being wrong.
This isn't about using science to find the best way forward under uncertainty. It's about defending institutional science and its intransigent panjandrums.
This is broadly right. The 'great reset' is hardly a secret.
*FAR* too much emphasis is given to *artefacts* of global politics such as the GR, and "agenda 21", and all that, at the cost of looking at the facts of global politics, and what may be driving it.
So, yes, it's i) anti-democratic, ii) a power grab, iii) a land grab, iv) a wealth grab, v) utterly illegitimate...
But it's also being given away freely by virtue of a f***ing dreadful political establishment, appointed *by* *us*, which cannot tell its own a*se from its elbow.
And they are all truly weird. They want to design your lifestyle, your city, your life, to intervene in, monitor, regulate and control your every decision. And it's a bizarre compact of academia, "science", global institutions, govts, corps.
I've been smeared in the Guardian, and by Guardian journalists, as have many others. I've never been asked "why do you believe X", I've only been told "you believe X".
The closest I ever came to an actual discussion of substance with a Guardian "journalist", we found a point of disagreement, and he said "we'll have to agree to disagree about that", rather than discuss it. Instead, he wanted to tell me about my "ideology".