A lot of people claim that information products, goods, platforms, etc are a waste of time or poor business pursuit.
They are absolutely RIGHT.
Buying commercial real estate or leveraging money into assets is a better source of passive income.
HOWEVER, information based intellectual properties are the easiest assets to create.
You're expressing thoughts and recording them,
That's about as low a barrier of entry as it gets.
I've been writing online since 2012, and for the first five years blogging was the de facto platform.
In 2012 - 2013 Twitter wasn't even that popular. I remember following @Cernovich when he had 2,000 followers, and was still one of the biggest Twitter accounts in this corner.
There were a lot of other accounts (which are popular now) who were well under 500 followers total.
Also, for anyone who didn't use it then, Twitter used to have A LOT of weird and creepy social trends. The angry incel wave of 2013, and all the nazi stuff in 2015.
Also, 2017 - 2018 had a lot of low effort scammers and course hucksters who've since disappeared.
Because of this, I really didn't do a whole lot with social media and wrote Twitter off as a time waste.
Blogging was good, and SEO brought in tons of free traffic.
Some of my niche sites would bring in 200 - 300 visitors per day, make 1 - 3 sales, and I'd collect $60 - $100+ in passive income.
There were even quite a few days where I cleared $400 or $500 entirely off SEO traffic.
Unfortunately, that changed around 2018.
Google changed a lot of their algorithms, making it very hard to rank pages. And, general website traffic has trended downward.
This year, I started switching to more social media based content.
@LifeMathMoney 's "The Art Of Twitter" inspired me to try this. It's the only Twitter guide I've read, and it gives step-by-step instructions for building a massive following.
One thing that's great about Twitter is the low entry requirements. It's free to join, there's no technical aspect (like installing WordPress), and the traffic comes MUCH FASTER than blogging.
One of my niche accounts did almost a quarter million impressions off 15 Tweets.
Also, the content effort is much lower. With blogging, you have to write 1,200+ words.
With Twitter you can post a single picture, or two sentences and get far more interaction.
The last 30daystox.com article I wrote got very little click through.
When it comes to affiliate marketing and niche content, social media is cheaper and easier than blogging or creating websites.
You don't need hosting, SSL certificates, or a premium theme.
We can argue about the old "Never build your castle on rented land" adage.
But, having prime real estate (rented or not) is often better than owning a stodgy property off in some distant place nobody visits.
In 2020, blogging or long-form content on a separately hosted site (sales letters aside) really doesn't get the traction it once did.
If I were going to make an information business today, I'd stick to platforms like: YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
They're easier to set up, scale faster, and you can still sell products or share entertaining and interesting material.
Lastly, I've been using this account to post some article ideas I had but wasn't motivated to turn into full length blog posts, and I've been doing this through Hypefury Twitter threads.
Hypefury is really easy to use and allows you to create whole Tweet chains, which is something Tweetdeck doesn't offer. They also have some automatic retweeting features, and a tool where you can auto generate Gumroad sales and special promotions.
I'm enjoying Hypefury a lot so far, and would recommend it to anyone creating written Twitter content (Affiliate Link Below).
1. Obesity Continues Expanding.
A lot of people stopped working out in March and will never get into shape again. In the future, anyone with a moderately good physique will stand out.
2. More People Living At Home Or In Smaller Cities
Twofer here.
Rent will (hopefully) go down more in major cities, providing a great opportunity for adventurous young man.
Like it or not, most people live in an echo chamber. As such, they tend to develop one-dimensional thinking over time.
If you live someplace where everyone is fat, it's likely you'll end up fat as well. Or, at the very least, your attempts to get into shape will be met with HUGE resistance.
To crib a buzzword, your surroundings often become "The New Normal."
Here's how you shake things up:
1. Read Biographies
Reading is not a magic cure-all for your problems, and there are plenty of unexceptional and lazy people who read books.
HOWEVER, it is very rare that you meet a do-nothing who reads biographies.