Origin Story:
On this day, this exact time 40 years ago, a blue butted monkey took me directly from my mother's loins as I blew spit bubbles and he held me up in victory so the world could bow at my lil infant feet.
The world rejoiced and then roared with laughter when the blue butted bastard dropped me, but that's besides the point cuz' I'm still cool as balls and still destined to be world dictator......but here's to another year of being adorkably awkward and kicking ass.
Broke my hiatus twice but I had to this time because I'm alive. I did it. I made it to 40.
And this day isn't just about me. Celebrate my mom, Anna Morris. For 9 months, she shared her blood, body and life....she endured great discomfort as her body changed to accommodate me and then pain for me to be born. She cared for me, raised me, sacrificed for me.
Celebrate my dad, John Helt, because he cared for me, raised me, sacrificed for me. They loved me and without them...there wouldn't be a me. I celebrate another year of life, but I also celebrate them and my family for giving me this life.
And if you want to help me celebrate,
Buy some goodies from my shop because despite the cost of living, it's still very popular and something I very much wish to keep doing.
Forget party alliances for a moment, does it make anyone else sick to see politicians and PACs getting MILLIONS in donations when so many of us as individuals are struggling financially, when businesses are struggling???
I mean if you really look at the ads they run for these donations, it's all cookie cutter...donate to keep republicans from blah blah, donate to keep democrats from blah blah. These folks do NOT need our money.
This is exactly why it makes me sick and so damn angry.
Well, this certainly is a shitty year and I hate to add to the shit, but I got some updates.
I thought about doing a video, I thought about blogging but I can't ever seem to find the words in that moment or I overthink them so I figured I'd do what I do best and tweet cuz I can't control what my fingers say lol
I get too honest and that's really what I need to do. There's this quote from John Green's A Fault in Our Stars that has always bothered me because it's too true for me.
We need to talk. When I call folks out or talk about injustice, I do not do so to hurt or ruin, nor do I want anyone to be hurt or ruined, even if they have hurt me or engaged in behaviors that hurt others.
I do so because I want accountability. I want justice. I want people to be able to grow, to do and be better. I also don't expect instantaneous change because we didn't get to where we are right now overnight, we didn't become the people we are overnight.
But that being said, when people engage in harmful behaviors whether it was their intent or not, I do expect them to stop the moment they are informed even if they don't necessarily understand or get it at the moment. It hurts no one to just stop, listen and learn.
Also going to add a little about how Voter ID Laws that began to tke center stage in 2011, 2012 and 2013 have contributed to voter suppression in many states that have adopted laws limiting and restricting the types of ID they accept in order to vote.
North Dakota is the most notable example. Ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, North Dakota
Passed a controversial, last minute voter ID law that required residents to show identification with a current street address. A P.O. box no longer qualified as a valid address.
This largely impacted and disenfranchised Native voters living in communities that don't often have street addressss and mail is delivered to PO Boxes in rural post offices.
My wish for Indian Country during this election year is that we stop trying to put a positive spin on candidates and pretending that the choices we have are not problematic. We need to be unflinchingly honest, critical and hold them accountable for their behavior and policies.
We need to stop pretending that once we get rid of this administration, if we get rid of it, that the problem will be solved and we won't be yet again fighting against the policies of the next administration that will undoubtedly & negatively impact our communities.
I'm voting for Biden/Harris because like @MsKellyMHayes said "I'm casting a ballot against full-blown fascism" but I am not under any illusion that they are the best choice, they just happen to be the better choice in an election year where the bar has been set so incredibly low.
Non-Natives before you post videos like this make sure you first ask and accurately state what is going on. He didn't just start dancing, he's counting coup. When we dance in the face of the enemy, it's never just "dancing", it's ceremony, prayer, medicine, courage and mercy.
For you Non-Natives, during intertribal battles and war, the ultimate honor or act of bravery was to count coup - meaning to get close enough to touch an enemy without causing harm or death.
Woke up to see this getting attention and see a lot of Non-Natives following the lead of the non-Native filming who said "That's a bessing, sir". To be clear, it was not a blessing 🤣 it was an act of war, it was disgracing, shaming and defeating the officer by showing mercy.