Johnnie Jae aka The Burnt Ball of Fury Profile picture
Founder/Editor of @tribecalledgeek and @Grim_Native. Co-Founder of LiveIndigenousOK & Not Your Mascots.
Sep 22, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
I don't talk a lot about mental health these days because mine has been in the dumpster for the last 4 years 🤣 and I'm still learning to navigate new realities and I know a lot of my fellow disabled folks know exactly what I mean. But before September, #SuicidePreventionMonth ends, I do want to share a few things because I think it's important that people understand that even when it seems that you are voiceless, powerless, and that nothing you do matters....YOU MATTER!
Mar 25, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
We are going to be pushing our gofundme pretty hard as things are getting dire. We've been scraping by on my art and tee sales, some donations but our rent has gone and we were barely making it as it was because of my medical bills and our credit card debt from last year. When we started our gofundme it was to help pay off the credit card debt from my mom passing. It was 10k and we had it down to 6K when I lost my health insurance and we had to pay out of pocket for my meds and healthcare while we appealed.
Mar 25, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Learned a valuable lesson today! Went to go make a payment on a medical bill and set up a payment plan. Something seemed off because I've paid bills for the same procedures before, and this was a whole different website. So I called the hospital to see if it was legit. It's a legit third-party payment service used by the hospital, but the bill itself is not legit because it's already been paid by my insurance. So, I asked what was up with that and apparently, this company is notorious for sending bills out before insurance is billed.
Mar 24, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
My partner has been laughing at me cuz I have to admit that I am fascinated by the whole Gomez vs Bieber drama and how they aren't even really involved just collateral damage of their fandoms trying to pit them against each other. The way I see it and from life experience, sometimes the forever you imagine isn't the forever you get or the forever you actually want.
Mar 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This and what's worse is being deemed "non-compliant" which will really mess up everything from your care to benefits. And nothing happens during in-person appts that can't be done virtual. Even if they need our vitals, most of us already have to monitor at home and can do that virtually as well.
Feb 24, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday, Mike J. Marin (director of the Smudging and badass AFP) got to meet Randy & Samantha 🤣 he was looking around the apt & was like, who's that? The Partner looked at me & said you explain it. I was "You know how White people have random photos of Natives?" I didn't have to say anything more cuz Mike got it & was cracking up. 🤣
Feb 24, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
March 1 is going to be a horrible day for a lot of folks. There are people who will find themselves facing eviction, without utilities, without healthcare or WIC and SNAP once covid is declared over. Oops...I forgot a 1, March 11th.

The partner and I got these notices about our Medi-cal. We're already sweating because we might be just over our income limit by $128 and we will not...I for sure will not survive without my health insurance again.
Feb 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I have art for sale! Grab it now because I have this really funky thing called raynaud's and the cold here in LA is probably gonna send me to the ER cuz we are broke as shit and can't afford a heater and our apt is cold as hell. And my hands and feet hurt like a son of a biscuit eater. We've never really needed a heater before because we have an old apt with no insulation and its usually hot as balls....but its actually colder inside now than it is outside.
Feb 23, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I don't do twitter drama but I do want to show something that literally just happened. This is twitter, we see things, we respond..we comment or we retweet, QT, etc. I am very mindful of what I QT and respond to because somethings are not worth the energy. This was so to speak because I saw a response from someone who seemed and even responded very genuinely right cuz "OwnVoices" conversations are hard for a lot of creatives.
Feb 23, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Yes....this is something folks don't understand. Folks always saying "just move"....we LITERALLY can't move. It's not just money. We may not physically survive a move because of our current health situations & because we already have a medical team & plan in place where we are. If we were to move...we would have to be well enough to make the move, to survive long enough to find a new insurance plan if need be, find in network hospitals and doctors, get appts and referrals for said docs, survive months to actually see those docs
Dec 16, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Natives been telling ya'll James Cameron's Avatar is racist and creepy as hell. The way he talks about the Lakota in this article is absolutely horrible.… The whole premise creeped me out because it is literally what Indigenous folks are dealing with now...white people creating Native avatars (Pretendianism), co-opting Native communities, infiltrating and manipulating our communities and movements.
May 17, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
I was thinking about this earlier. White Replacement Theory and how it is the basis for Blood Quantum, the belief that you can literally f*ck and breed entire people out of existence, that who you are can be diminished and destroyed by a penis. Before White folks were under the belief that they were being replaced and as it became more impolite to outright massacre Native people, they turned their sights to "replacing Native people" by breeding us out of existence.
May 14, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
* Stares in Indigenous Annoyance*

Both U.S political parties have been committing crimes against humanity. Indigenous women have experienced the full spectrum of those crimes, from forced marriages, pregnancy, abortions & sterilization to their children being stolen & killed. And it's not just the children being stolen and killed. There is a growing crisis of violence against Indigenous women, who are going missing & murdered. Since colonization of these lands began, Indigenous women have always been systematically & politically targeted for violence.
May 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
A little background on my Pride Collection: Last year, I was a little disheartened to find how difficult it was to find a shirt to represent me as someone who is Asexual. So, I created one. But I also noticed that there were very few options for everyone else as well, especially those who may not be able to openly and safely show their pride, so I created designs inspired by the Pride Flags. Unless you tell someone, you're just wearing a graphic tee.
Feb 18, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I am fatigued @CDCDirector. I am tired of suffering the consequences for your failures. Pretending this pandemic is over & easing precautions puts immunocompromised people at risk. What are you doing to help us if you insist we just stay home? Going on 3 years of bad policy decisions, rollout of information and the refusal of a huge portion of our population to mask up and get vaxxed without acting like Assholes has many of us disabled & immunocompromised people facing housing, food, medical insecurity and DEATH.
Feb 17, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
On the 14th, I shared what my blown vein looked like and the second picture is what it looks like now. I also just had a tiny patch of rash and now its furious and wraps around to the back of my neck and back I knew shingles was painful seeing others go through it but holy hell I understand what they meant when they said you really couldn't know until you know cuz my skin on my right side feels like it is on fire.
Feb 17, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Really going to need the help because I am not doing too well. I have shingles and experiencing complications from internal shingles and there's more going on but we have to deal with the shingles first.

Help Mars and Johnnie Survive this Pandemic I don't know how I'm gonna manage the next few weeks because the pain is so intense and there is a lot of room for things to go from bad to really bad right now.
Feb 17, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
JOIN here-…

#paranormal #aliens #ufosighting #bigfoot #crytozoology #truescarystories #horror Join us! Right now @ChrisPineo and Mars are discussing the UFO phenomenon at Archuleta Peak in New Mexico!…
Dec 25, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
I hate being a disabled Immunocompromised person in this pandemic. Disabled folks have always been treated as expendable, but in this pandemic it's like every day is a fresh new layer of hell as people get more daring and comfortable in thwir ableism. I've seen several posts today with people who previously were keen to stop the spread but have now become those people like "whew, several people I know got Covid but they are vaxxed and boosted so they'll be okay"
Dec 24, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I knew this Christmas was going to be rough and not very festive, it's the 1st Christmas without my mom, I can't be home with family because Covid & severe lack of money. There's no tree, no gifts and a sinking feeling that we won't be able to pay rent. It's not just the fear of not paying rent, it's the pressure of being the only one with income and knowing this struggle is because I am immunocompromised and my partner not being able to work cuz of the risk of me getting COVID. It's getting to me.
Dec 24, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Dear world, can you please get your shit together already? We know how to reduce the spread and impact of COVID: Get vaxxed if you are able, get your booster if you are able, wear a mask, stay home and away from others if you are not feeling well or KNOW that you have COVID. Use common sense and human decency to be mindful of the other human beings around you. It's not rocket science, advanced math, or's love....for yourself, your loved ones and your community.