This is a thread about one of the most powerful tools that make possible that knuckleheads like me achieve state-of-the-art Deep Learning results on our laptops.
Deep Learning is all about "Deep" Neural Networks.
"Deep" means a lot of complexity. You can translate this to "We Need Very Complex Neural Networks." See the attached example.
The more complex a network is, the slower it is to train, and the more data we need to train it.
To get state-of-the-art results when classifying images, we can use a network like ResNet50, for example.
It takes around 14 days to train this network with the "imagenet" dataset (1,300,000+ images.)
14 days!
That's assuming that you have a decent (very expensive) GPU.
When I heard about Duck Typing for the first time, I had to laugh.
But Python 🐍 has surprised me before, and this time was no exception.
This is another short thread 🧵 that will change the way you write code.
Here is the idea behind Duck Typing:
▫️If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
Taking this to Python's world, the functionality of an object is more important than its type. If the object quacks, then it's a duck.
Duck Typing is possible in dynamic languages (Hello, JavaScript fans 👋!)
Look at the attached example. Notice how "Playground" doesn't care about the specific type of the supplied item. Instead, it assumes that the item supports the bounce() method.
I had a breakthrough that turned a Deep Learning problem on its head!
Here is the story.
Here is the lesson I learned.
No, I did not cure cancer.
This story is about a classification problem —specifically, computer vision.
I get images, and I need to determine the objects represented by them.
I have a ton of training data. I'm doing Deep Learning.
Life is good so far.
I'm using transfer learning.
In this context, transfer learning consists of taking a model that was trained to identify other types of objects and leverage everything that it learned to make my problem easier.
This way I don't have to teach a model from scratch!