1/6 @HawleyMO I appeal to you. As a web dev I was never fond of social media but when @realDonaldTrump entered Twitter, I started using my old account again. Everything was find for the first six months and then they began "shadow banning" me. At first I couldn't believe it...
2/6 @HawleyMO I'm a nobody, so why me right? I finally figured it out. My memes were 'striking a nerve' and I guess Twitter couldn't have Pro-Trump people doing that. As the years went by I went from a strong flow of support to just a slow trickle. But now it's quite worse...
3/6 @HawleyMO for now a year I have been targeted by Twitter with an insidious tactic called "deboosting." Which means that the hours upon hours I've spent in making my memes? Will go unnoticed because even though I tweet them, they are placed behind a restricted area forever.
4/6 @HawleyMO I create most all my memes, I spend a lot of time doing so, I'm proud of them but my First Amendment rights are not respected. Is Twitter, a private company, above the law? Are they above my rights to share thoughts to those who chose to follow me? I need to know.
5/6 @HawleyMO In closing Josh, let me repeat, I'm a web developer... I know what they're doing. Heck it's known throughout the tech community with a 'wink wink nod nod' attitude. This is not only dangerous it violates my rights and desire to participate in the political process.