1. Politicians who undermine basic public health measures, spread disinformation, & take no personal responsibility should be held accountable for endangering our families.
.@DanCrenshawTX was asked about me. His answer? A Trump-style train wreck. Dan claimed that the Affordable Care Act "wasn't clear" about protecting pre-existing conditions.
For someone with a podcast called "Hold These Truths," he sure can't tell one.
On November 10, the Supreme Court will hear a GOP-led lawsuit to gut the Affordable Care Act with @DanCrenshawTX's blessing. If successful, well over 1 million Texans could lose their health insurance. (2/15) texastribune.org/2020/09/25/tex…
The ACA was enacted in 2010 to make health care more affordable & accessible for all Americans. Changes include:
✅Protecting coverage for people with PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS (*cough cough, @DanCrenshawTX*)
✅Requiring plans to cover free wellness & pregnancy exams (3/15)
On May 21, @DanCrenshawTX said the public does not need to follow Judge Hidalgo’s mask orders, chastising her “immaturity” before claiming the virus “is not that bad and it never was." (3/16) thedisruptionzone.com/2020/05/21/dz-…
Since @DanCrenshawTX is in the mood to make a fool of himself today, I figured I'd help him out.
Dan just dropped his new 'health care' ad, and *surprise, surprise* the congressman forgot about his own voting record. Good thing I kept ALL the receipts for him! 🤡
In the new ad, Dan makes four claims about what he’ll do.
Two of his claims — “decrease your costs with more choice and transparency” and “increase your access to doctors you trust” — were too vague for anyone to fact check.
1) Dan talked about honoring heroes, but he claimed @SenDuckworth — Purple Heart recipient who lost both of her legs in combat — "stands" for the "destruction of America." washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/…
2) @DanCrenshawTX talked about the frontline heroes selflessly serving us all. But he forgot to mention the bipartisan group of 100+ Houston doctors who plead with him to stop spreading dangerous disinformation about the pandemic.
3) @DanCrenshawTX talked about stopping chaos and protecting heroes. But he's been calling the president's @USPS slowdown a "conspiracy theory," which left tens of thousands of veterans waiting on life-saving medications. foxnews.com/us/usps-delays…
Hey @DanCrenshawTX: While we're at it, let's fact check your "fact check."
*Cracks knuckles* (1/8)
Lie 1: Dan claims he never downplayed our hospitals being overwhelmed.
On June 11, he said “We saved our hospital systems — they weren’t even close to being overwhelmed,” and “we wrongfully thought what happened in NYC could happen across the country.”
He was wrong. (2/8)
On the same day, he claimed @HarrisCoJudge’s emergency response to skyrocketing COVID-19 cases was an “irresponsible overreaction,” calling it “pure and simple fear mongering,” and assuring Houston has “enormous hospital capacity.” (3/8)
Hey @DanCrenshawTX — you still haven't responded to the bipartisan group of 100+ Houston doctors asking you to stop spreading dangerous disinformation.
Take a break from the swamp and read their words. (1/18)
"We are the doctors, medical professionals, and emergency room physicians of Houston, dutifully serving on the frontlines of this pandemic and trying to keep our patients, our families, and ourselves alive." (2/18)
"Being a medical professional is challenging enough — but the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic is magnifying every imaginable strain on our medical community as our city has become the nation’s newest epicenter." (3/18)