Next item for Tweet-ucation is "Masterly Inactivity: The Art and Science of Reducing Unnecessary Interventions in the ICU" #CHEST2020
First up we have @karanskahlon talking on: "ABG and Arterial Lines for All: A Flawed Paradigm?" #CHEST2020
Do we really need ABGs? Why do we get them? #CHEST2020
Would a VBG work? It is good for pH and pCO2 as long as there's not hypercapnia. But do you care about compensated hypercapnea? And if it's not compensated you can tell by your pH! #CHEST2020
What about oxygenation? You can assess that with your SpO2! #CHEST2020
So what does an ABG have that a VBG does not? #CHEST2020
To summarize, ABGs are overused and clinical intuition is key! #CHEST2020
Advantages and disadvantages of arterial lines. #CHEST2020
Always ask the question, does this person still need an arterial line? #CHEST2020
Next up, Dr. Mangala Narasimhan (@mnarasimhan) will talk on: "Daily Labs and Routine Chest Radiographs - Best Forgotten?" #CHEST2020
A huge amount of money is spent in the US on unnecessary things that do not add value to care! #CHEST2020
There is a disconnect between the intention and the actual use of the labs we draw. #CHEST2020
Make sure you consider how to reduce daily unnecessary labs which can actually cause harm. #CHEST2020
Next up, Dr. Maksim Korotun (@MaksimKorotun) will talk on: "Peripheral Vasopressors: A New Paradigm?" #CHEST2020
A brief history of central venous catheters #CHEST2020
What is the role of peripheral IVs for vasoactive medication administration? #CHEST2020
This systematic review showed that most extravasation events occurred with distal location of PIVs. The number of events increased with duration of the infusion. #CHEST2020
Multiple studies show low extravasation rates. #CHEST2020
This study had an extravasation rate of only 2% and no long-term complications. #CHEST2020
These are requirements for a good strategy for safe PIV use for vasoactive medications. #CHEST2020
Finally we have Dr. Matt Suiba (@msiuba) with "Zen and the Art of the Intensivist"! #CHEST2020
What is a #zentinsivist? It is a "holistic approach to the art of caring for the critically ill." #CHEST2020
In that initial golden hour zentinsive care and usual care look very similar. #CHEST2020
As we get further into the hospitalization we start actively removing interventions. #CHEST2020
The gap between these two lines is called the intervention gap. #CHEST2020
Focus on what is essential. What interventions improve humanity? How do we maximize dignity and consciousness? #CHEST 2020
So how do you start practicing #Zentinsivism? Clinical mastery is absolutely a prerequisite! Deliberate clinical experience is important. #CHEST2020
How do you develop risk tolerance? Push the boundaries of what you consider normal vs abnormality. Sometimes it's better to discount mild abnormalities than to try to correct them. #CHEST2020
We should have therapeutic humility. We need to realize that many of our interventions don't help as much as we want them to and may have more harm than we think about. #CHEST2020
Cautious sensible medicine is really the way forward. #CHEST2020
But when it comes down to it, it's really all about the patient. How can we maximize humanism and minimize depersonalization?
Remember that doing less actually takes more effort. #CHEST2020
The goal is to balance the art and science of medicine with the patient always in mind. #CHEST2020
Here are a couple of publications if you are interested in reading more! #CHEST2020
My last tweet-ucation session of day is “Circadian Rhythms for the Chest Clinician: It’s About Time”! #CHEST2020
Our first session is "Circadian Rhythms: Mechanisms and Role in Health and Disease” with Dr. Phyllis Zee! #CHEST2020
One of the most prominent changes in our physical environment is the rotation of the Earth, and our body has to adjust to that. Our BP, platelets, temperature, alertness, and more vary at different times of the day. #CHEST2020
Here’s my tweet-ucation from the “Updates on Diffuse and Orphan Lung Diseases” session! #CHEST2020
The next session is "Incidence, Mortality, and Characteristics of Patients Admitted with Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis in the US" with Rodrigo Garcia-Tome #CHEST2020
PAP is a rare disease. PAP has a variable clinical course, sometimes with spontaneous resolution but other times with progressive respiratory insufficiency. #CHEST2020
I can’t go to the whole session (have to leave early to moderate another), but get ready for some tweet-ucation coming your way on “Preventing and Managing Pain, Agitation, and Delirium in the ICU! #CHEST2020
The first session is "" with Dr. Kusum Matthews! #CHEST2020
Let's start with a clinical case of Patient MR. #CHEST2020
First up for today’s #CHEST2020 Tweetucation is “Asthma: Mechanisms and Management” which I am co-moderating with the one and only Dr. Andrew Berman (@Pulmonary_O2)!
The first presentation is on "IL-13 augments histone demethylase JMJD2B/KDM4B expression levels, activity and nuclear translocation in airway fibroblasts in asthma." with Khuloud Bajbouj (@KBajbouj)! #CHEST2020
This study aimed to explore IL-13's role in airway tissue remodeling and fibrosis in severe asthma. #CHEST2020
Next up get ready for important tweet-ucation from “Cultural Diversity - Being Me: Understanding ‘Otherness’ and Issues of Diversity”! #CHEST2020
Our moderator is Dr. Chima-Melton (@ChimaMelton). We will start with Dr. Hassan Bencheqroun (@DrBCalifornia) talking about how assumptions are dangerous! #CHEST2020
When you have assumptions about a person and you act on those you no longer have a relationship with the person - you have a relationship with your assumptions. #CHEST2020