@andjustice4some I never told this story publicly before now and only doing it because the NDA is no longer valid as she is dead, but I had a friend who went to Sundance premier. She was there all week in fact. She said there was something off about some of the people there watching LN
@andjustice4some She said they weren’t there for any other movie like others were. They were only there for LN. They weren’t press or reviewers. She said they felt like extras. Extras who were possibly paid to be there. She also revealed how some people walked out in the middle of the show,
@andjustice4some not because they were so disgusted by Michael Jackson, but because they didn’t have anything nice to say to Wade, James, or Reed afterwards. She said that everyone she knew personally didn’t believe the film and that 3 out of 4 people she spoke with didn’t either.
@andjustice4some At the end she didn’t stand up and clap, she watched the room, the people she thought were extras were the ones who started loudly clapping. For those that stayed that had been there all week, they would later say the whole thing felt forced, like someone had an agenda of sorts.
@andjustice4some She said there were reviewers there for that film and ONLY that film which had never happened at that scale. Her reviewer friend that works for a reputable USA news outlet looked at her afterwards and said, “no way people were that gullible.” Afterwards people went for drinks
@andjustice4some at a place called Smokey Bones (or something like that). And she said that she recognized maybe 3-4 people that she referred to as extras walking around trying to drum up conversation about LN. One came to their table and was turned around when her male friend said
THREAD: 15 years ago the falsely accused, Michael Jackson, was vindicated in a system rigged against him. From lopsided media reporting, to a vindictive, obsessive, and racist DA. As a black man, Jackson couldn’t afford to just be innocent. #MichaelJacksonVindicated
He had to be SUPER innocent to prevent false imprisonment for crimes they ALREADY knew he didn’t commit. Dozens of departmental investigations, multi-year FBI investigation, and 100’s of witness testimony, turned up absolutely ZERO evidence. #MichaelJacksonVindicated
Even the 1993-1994 successful extortions of Michael Jackson, which were in fact allowed to happen, entered the 2005 trial as evidence that was sure to get a conviction. It wasn’t at all convincing to the conservative jury that decided Jackson’s fate. #MichaelJacksonVindicated
@mrslowbones@katystoll There is no evidence against MJ. There never was. You got a media that consists of 94% whites who turned their backs on MJ after he bought the Beatles catalogue. Overnight they started to refer to him as “wacko jacko.” The term "Jacko," didn't arise out of a vacuum, and certainly
@mrslowbones@katystoll wasn't meant a term of endearment. The very term is rooted in racism. "Jacko Macacco" was the name of a famous monkey used in monkey-baiting matches at the Westminster Pit in London in the early 1820s. “Jacco” was Cockney slang to refer to monkeys in general.
Furthermore, in the
@mrslowbones@katystoll the United States, blacks use to be referred to as Jackos when whites would claim that you could only see the eyes and teeth of a black person at night. Then they moved on to this pedophile narrative. The media would ONLY report the prosecution side in the press and NEVER
THREAD: Raymone Bain’s press conference was felt in my soul. She rightfully criticized the MJ Estate without being anti-MJ, she spoke truth about Michael Jackson’s untouchable accomplishments, and asked questions we ALL have. Bain painted a realistic image #MJNewBeginnings
of the torment that MJ suffered as the most disrespected and bullied celebrity of all time, his love for his children, and spoke on his 100% innocence! The part of her press conference that touched me more than anything else was when she described MJ’s #MJNewBeginnings
association and conversations with prominent black civil rights leaders and personas, his passion for the black community, and him being “America’s black son.” She announced the Michael Jackson Legacy Foundation, which is a company envisioned to protect Michael’s legacy.
With June 25th right around the corner, I can't help but to think of how to #HonorMJ on this day. This year marks #10YearsWithoutMichaelJackson . This date will forever bring back horrible memories of the VERY WORST day of my life!
You, to me, were more than just the King of Pop. You have always been my hero, my idol, my inspiration, and more importantly, my escape. During this time of escapism, I just drift away into a world that is being painted before my very eyes and ears.
A world of sheer delight in every aspect of the word. At times, it's an experience of desires, romance and passion. Other times it's of joyful peace, harmony, and hope. And others it's of pain, heart ache, and disappointment. I would sometimes get so lost in the imagery —
@youngscrap Nah. Let’s ask ourselves a few questions: Do we really want to watch a one-sided propaganda hit-piece with two know extortionists, liars, opportunists, and perjurers fabricating tales of pedophilia? I mean who’s in to that other that a certain breed of person? If Michael...
@youngscrap Jackson, the same guy with a notable super IQ, and the business acumen to buy the ATV/Beatles catalog, would allow Wade Robson to be the FIRST star witness to testify in 2005 trial on behalf of Michael’s innocence had he been touching Wade’s little wee? Hell no!...
@youngscrap Prepare yourself. You are in for a treat. The only reason why anyone would believe these current claims is because of the previous extortion attempts and because he settled the 93’ case against him... but it wasn’t a criminal case. And even after he settled, the Chandler...