I'm excited to start tweet-ucation for day 4 of #CHEST2020 with "New Insights Into the Relationship Between OSA and Cardiovascular Disease"!
The first session this morning was Dr. Alexander Villareal with "
Effects of Positive Airway Pressure Adherence on Readmission and Length of Stay in Hospitalized Patients with Severe OSA"! #CHEST2020
OSA affects 26% of the US population and 1 billion people worldwide. #CHEST2020
1/5 of Medicare patients are readmitted within 30 days. #CHEST2020
This study asked whether adequate PAP adherence affected hospital readmissions. #CHEST2020
Patients who were nonadeherent were more likely to have CAD and CHF. Nonadherent people were more likely to be current smokers. #CHEST2020
Patients who were adherent with PAP therapy had significantly shorter stays and less readmissions. #CHEST2020
Readmission risk factors included diabetes and PAP nonadherence. #CHEST2020
The next session is "Aspirin Resistance in OSA Patients (ARISA Trial) with Dr. Maria Scinico! #CHEST2020
Aspirin resistance is defined as lower than normal anti-platelet response to standard doses of aspirin, resulting in increased residual platelet activity. #CHEST2020
These are proposed mechanisms of aspirin resistance in high-risk groups. #CHEST2020
OSA is a/w a 3 fold increase in the risk of major cardiovascular events. #CHEST2020
The next session is "Effects of OSA on Outcomes in Adult Hospitalized Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke" with Dr. Si Li! This study aimed to assess the impact of OSA on clinical outcomes in patients with acute ischemic stroke. #CHEST2020
They found that patients admitted for acute ischemic CVA who had OSA had a higher odds ratio of having HTN, CAD, CHF, DM, and HLD. There was a lower mortality rate for patients with OSA. #CHEST2020
The next session is "OSA is Associated with Increased Costs of Heart Failure Readmissions" with Dr. Nihal Patel #CHEST2020
Readmission rates remain high for patients with CHF, and these readmissions are costly to healthcare systems. #CHEST2020
OSA is independently a/w readmissions for heart failure. #CHEST2020
The next session is "Long-Term Effects of Solriamfetol on Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and Functional OUtcomes in Participants with OSA" with Dr. Terri Weaver! #CHEST2020
Excessive daytime sleepiness is a common symptom of OSA. This study aimed to examine the effects of solriamfetol on functional outcomes in patients with OSA. #CHEST2020
The next session is "Children with Sleep-Related Issues have Lower Life Satisfaction and Higher Physical Stress Experience" with Dr. Bharat Bhushan! #CHEST2020
Sleep problems are related with different HRQOL domains. #CHEST2020
The overall goal of this study was to identify prolems in HRQOL domains in childen undergoing routine PSG. #CHEST2020
122 patients were included with a mean age of 9.7 years. #CHEST2020
Patients undergoing routine PSG were not noticed to have significant differences in HRQOL, but those with diagnosed OSA had worse life satisfaction and more physical stress experience than controls. #CHEST2020
The quality of deep sleep was positively associated with family relation and life satisfaction and negatively associated with anger. #CHEST2020
Get ready for some tweet-ucation coming your way from the Murray Kornfeld Memorial Founders Lecture - “Our Pneumonia Journey: The Lungs and Beyond” with Dr. Marcos Restrepo! #CHEST2020
Tip 1: Know your goals, find your niche, and live by your values.
Tip 2: Find a mentor, seek feedback, and follow advice. #CHEST2020
The global burden of pneumonia is massive. #CHEST2020