Your one-sided point of view does not automatically mean you are right. 1⃣Neither the EU nor any member of the EU or you can validate a maritime boundary claim by issuing judgments like a court. Maximalist maritime jurisdiction area claims of Greece and the Greek Cypriot +
Administration is a direct violation of the international law. Greed is also a sin! 2⃣You know very well that Turkey is the most diversified country in terms of gas supply. But it is funny you defend Nord Stream2, but object to TurkStream. Show at least some consistency please!+
3⃣ Exploration costs is a part of E&P business. No pain no gain! Moreover, these are our own ships. It our own money, Turkish taxpayers's money, my money. Therefore, it is my decision how and when I can spend it. 4⃣ On the Black Sea discovery, we will see how it plays out. Yes, +
domestic gas can be costly. But @ntsafos you seem to forget Turkey is the 5th biggest global n.gas importer and 4th largest n.gas market in Europe. Turkey paid around $18 bn for n.gas each year in the last decade! Therefore, every single molecule Turkey will extract will make a+
huge difference for Turkish economy. 5⃣As you argued, Sakarya discovery may not have the potential for broader strategic reality. However, you do seem not to have heard Istanbul Energy Exchange operated by @epiastr. I humbly advise you to follow Turkish Natural Gas Exchange. +
🇪🇺The EU already gets a part its gas needs via 🇹🇷Turkey: a modest amount of 🇦🇿Azerbaijani gas flows via Turkey into Greece, but meeting almost 1/3 of Greek demand since 2007. In other words, Turkey has been KEY contributor of European energy supply security with uninterrupted +
availability of gas flow. Now,Turkey will contribute further to the EU gas security with Energy Exchange İstanbul (#EXIST). @epiastr will enchance transparency and energy price security in the region, particularly for the Eastern and SE Europe by establishing a gas price setting+
mechanism in İstanbul. Turkey is already poised best to gasify Eastern and Southeastern Europe with Greek and Bulgarian gas interconnections (and apart from Sakarya discovery). From now on, 🇹🇷 Turkey will also provide natural gas price security for the European markets. +
Lastly, I would say "Don't Fear Turkey's Power Play" as you said in 2015. But, you again seemed to forget: Turkey cannot/may not use natural gas as a political tool against Europe because Turkey is a member of Energy Charter and signed @Energy_Charter Treay in 1991. #FactsMatter
1•Küresel LNG fiyatları, artan üretim, düşük tüketim artış hızı, dolu yeraltı depoları ve ılık 2019 kışı nedeniyle Ocak 2019-Ağustos 2019 döneminde hızla düştü.
2•Ağustos 2019-Aralık 2019|@Shell’in operatörü olduğu Mısır’ın Idku terminalinden yapılan #LNG ihracatı %80 azaldı.
3•Aralık 2019|Mısır,LNG tankerlerinin hava koşulları nedeniyle Akdeniz’de navigasyon yapamadığını öne sürerek Idku’dan yaptığı LNG ihracatını azaltt.
4•Ocak 2020|Mısır, spot LNG kargo satışlarını azaltma ve alıcılarla uzun vadeli LNG satış koşullarını görüşme kararı aldı.
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