1/ a recent online convo went off on a tangent about travel. I've decided it really deserves a separate thread. Talk of travel, reminded me about an exercise on Twitter from April - where we were asked to post travel pics, w/o people in them and without saying where it is ...
search: "Post a photo you've taken from a place you've been. The only thing is that you not appear in it. Just a photo, no description. Let’s flood profiles with landscapes to ease this isolation. Copy this, post & let's travel virtually around the world. #OnTheBrightSide"
Ummm - this isn't even up for debate: the federal Govt of Canada has far outdone the Govt of Alberta, wrt COVID19 mitigation. This isn't open to dispute - their records speak for themselves
2/ Considering the ludicrous claim EO'T is making here (see linked 660 tweet) - who thinks the CPC would be reasonable w how they reviewed the Govt of Canada's handling of COVID19? If this is the lens through which the CPC leader views GoC, we can't trust any of CPC's assessments
listening to a CPC MP in QP (Standing Cmte on Health) comparing us to countries that are used to wearing masks and have all worn masks, saying we should be doing as well as them. FFS - the CPC leader won't wear a mask!
I will ask again: why is CPC MP Michael Cooper on ANY committee, after berating a Muslim anti-racism activist and quoting the name of the NZ terrorist & part of the terrorist's manifesto?
House FINA Cmte questioning Chief of Staff to PM Trudeau, Katie Telford's testimony
btw - I apologize for subjecting you to his image. I don't always include screen-shots but this one seemed to capture facial expression that reflected his personality, so decided to run with it 🙅♀️
Can we all agree, that it has been great to have a GoC who believe in science? Soon after winning in 2015, they set out to correct the damages done to Canada's Science file - caused by previous Harper govt (see link in next threaded comment, for info on Harper's war on science)
2/ Here is just one (of many) articles on the way Harper allowed his, and his cabinet's, anti-science ideology to hurt Canada's scientific community smithsonianmag.com/science-nature…
3/ and here's an Aug 2019 article about what had been done up to that point, to reverse prev damage inflicted by SH sciencehttps://www.nationalobserver.com/2019/08/16/news/how-trudeau-government-reversed-harpers-anti-science-agenda nationalobserver.com/2019/08/16/new…
@sandibachom Okay, so I'm not the only one that thought he said the quiet part out loud. (Paraphrased in following) Trump essentially said he has excellent relationship with NRA. They supported him early on in his campaign. He repaid them by getting them 2 judges on SCOTUS that are pro-2A
@sandibachom Thread: 1/9 Found a vid online, posted by WAPO. I'll share their link at end of this thread. I listened & transcribed the salient parts. It will take a few tweets threaded together, to post this.
Reporter: … NRA strong supporter … what … (too hard to hear most of it)
@sandibachom 2/9 0:11 Trump: I think I could, but I don’t think I’ll be there. I have a great relationship w the NRA. They supported me very early & that’s been a great decision they made. We have Justice Kavanaugh, we have Justice Gorsuch & they feel very strongly about the second amendment