A black Pelican food box on top your car all day can create the most amazing plastic off gas tasting nastiness in history. expeditionportal.com/pelican-cargo-…
If they are frozen they also shatter into pieces when dropped from the top of the truck. So is aluminum or fiberglass better? Yes of course. Europeans make sexy aluminum cases but cost a fortune. Duffels aren't durable and good old UN flour sacs work too.
Off gassing is found in all petroleum based polypropylene products like cheap carpets. It burns nicely at 400+ degrees with a nice toxic black cloud if you are lost and its useless if someone has a hammer or saw and wants your stuff. I have a bunch pelican.com/us/en/about/pr…
I am going to predict that when the American public dig into what appears to be yet another Trump Transactional Broidy deal they will not be happy. New evidence is emerging from previous investigations. justice.gov/opa/pr/elliott…
Too many DoJ deals blur the actual intent and breadth of criminal actions that lead directly to the White House. Reviewed together and with additional details suppressed by the DoJ under Barr, they will reveal a criminal conspiracy to defraud America. justice.gov/opa/pr/califor…
The indictments border on the ridiculous but serve to silence the offender and sweep away dozens of other criminal acts. Crimes that involve the same people, doing the same thing. Foreign agents undermining our country. justice.gov/usao-edva/pr/m…
"One object on display is far more consequential: a piece of shrapnel. Had Hemingway not been injured in that attack, he not may have fallen in love with his Red Cross nurse, a romance that served as the genesis of A Farewell to Arms" archives.gov/publications/p…
"He’d been an awkward lad and was only beginning to grow out of the gangling period into the extraordinary handsomeness and charismatic vitality of his young manhood. Agnes, on the other hand, was 26, and knew something of the world." vqronline.org/essay/jilting-…
When I was 19, I lived on a tiny island in Colombia breaking people out of jail. On the beach I read and reread Hemingway's "Men Without Women", the story that showed his mastery of eliminating words. "Hills Like White Elephants is incredible. Have a read.faculty.weber.edu/jyoung/English…
Striding on stage Trump typed in the password "Carlos Danger" and all of George Nader's and Jeffry Epstein's "Don't Date Him Gurl" profiles popped up. An uncashed check for one "Billion" dollars from Gyna was discovered (cosigned by Burisma) along with Hillary's missing emails.
September 7, 2011,: FriendFinder Networks Inc. and JGC Holdings Limited BVI, BDM Global Ventures Limited BVI also owned JigoCity, Global Investment Ventures LLC and ....Anthony R. Bobulinski getfilings.com/sec-filings/11…