#shirtmaking my 18th century men’s #shirt — using #handsewing techniques. Had you told me that the smell of waxing the linen thread would be magical, I don’t think I’d believe you. But it is.
This is all the pinning of the sleeve body to the cuff. Allegedly this results in lovely gathers around the wrist as you’re #sewing them into place. I can’t ever seem to get them to come out cleanly, but I’m learning.
I’m not very even at #handsewing when I forget to mark my 1/2” seam, alas. But I’m making good progress and I’m faster than I used to be.
When I look at the outside of the #handsewn cuff, I get a sense of what I’m doing wrong; as I pull out pins to sew the next chunk, I’m losing some of the gathers; and I’m not keeping the gathers even as I sew.
If you're going to start with anything Plato and you're an astrologer, you might consider starting with the dialogue called the *Timaeus*. First of all it's short, and second of all it's incomplete. And third, it's going to raise all sorts of _QUESTIONS_
Why the *Timaeus*, though? Well, it does have part of the Atlantis story; it also has Plato's creation of the cosmos, and its division and subdivision into parts by mathematics, and its rotation by means of "the same" and "the different" — that is, primary and secondary motion.