2. @WashArchbishop has been one of the compassionate and inclusive voices among religious leaders about transgender people, reassuring them that they belong in the Church and there is nothing wrong with them.
4. As a Brazilian atheist Catholic who is eternally grateful to Liberation Theology priests, dioceses and archdioceses for Sanctuary protection offered to oppressed minorities and activists, I am happy to have @WashArchbishop as our Cardinal. Congratularions, Father.
1. I'm originally from Brazil. Brazil is one of the countries with the highest unsafe abortion mortality rates. It has always been. When I was 16, a girl from our anti-fascist organization died from sepsis 2 days after her abortion. After that there were several.
2. Higher middle-class and rich women had safe and humane abortions. According to my mother (94 yrs old), in her days, middle-class women still had a chance of safer abortions but they were punished by not being given anesthesia.
3. That's the most perverse aspect of the authoritarian anti-abortion policy: deaths and long-term effects of complications.
1. The democratic/anti-fascist coalition depends on accepting allies we can march with only up to page three. The Left was bashed for being intolerant. This "#resister" blocked me just for sharing resources on the Left. He's unimportant but his actions are a symptom.
2. At this point in history, everybody is lumped into two groups: one very heterogeneous (ours) and one much more homogeneous (the trump side). I support the Biden-Harris ticket, I support other center or center-right candidates and projects. Up to page three,
3. ... but we are very far from page three. Until then, the whole point of a coalition is the march with circumstantial allies with a common objective: to defeat trump and stop the growth of fascism. I never confront centrist "resisters" for this reason.
1. MY DREAM/WISH LIST, not necessarily in this order. Add yours if you want.
* See Barrett excommunicated from the Catholic Church for her role in the infliction of torture or some other of the many horrendous and immoral acts she engaged in;
* See Barrett disbarred;
* See Kavanaugh disbarred;
* See Kavanaugh and Barrett impeached and removed from the SCOTUS;
* See Trump arrested and delivered to the International Court at the Hague to answer for Crimes against Humanity;
* See McConnell arrested, indicted and arraigned without bail;
* See all his horrendous crimes come out and rub them on his fascist supporters' face for the rest of their miserable existence;
1. @duty2warn , a frequently asked question is how to make sense of the predominance of psychopathic behavior among so many members of authoritarian governments.
At this point we have no doubt that trump and bolsonaro are classic psychopaths, both malignant narcissists and...
2. ... both manifesting sexual sadism, bolsonaro having a proven record of participation in torture sessions during the dictatorship "for fun".
Trump has exhibited sadistic pleasure innumerable times as well.
3. It is also agreed that both are somewhat "accidental" to their office. They are both borderline functional and they were the right psychopaths for this specific fascist script. Otherwise, they would be unremarkable.
1. Any social scientist worth their salt knows that electoral strategy is hardball play. Some can't stomach that. However, there are hard lines that non-psychopathic strategist won't cross.
2. This is one: proritizing the approval of a global menace (#Theocrat Barrett) over urgent action against a lethal social-economic catastrophe.
3. We talk too much about trump's evident psychopathic symptoms and not enough about McConnell and others. Yes, these are times where the DSM-V categories are being questioned but unleashing genocide in a so-called traditional democracy qualifies as psychopathic.
1. "Muslim leaders in France also condemned the attack. "A civilisation does not kill an innocent person, barbarism does," Tareq Oubrou, imam of a mosque in Bordeaux, told France Inter."