[ minjoon au ] 🌷

After his breakup, Jimin goes clubbing every week with his friends and everytime he dances with the same stranger. After months of dancing with a stranger, Jimin still doesn’t even know his name until one day he sees him in his house.

#minjoonau ImageImageImageImage
profiles ✨ ImageImage
profiles: taegi are jimin’s friends ✨ ImageImage
profiles: 2seok and jungkook are namjoon’s friends ✨ ImageImageImage
before starting:

✿ don’t pay attention to time stamps
✿ please retweet and quote, it will also help me to keep going with the au 🥺
✿ enjoyyy!
1. over text ???

#minjoonAU ImageImageImage
2. next morning

#minjoonAU ImageImage
3. jimin’s phone in the morning

#minjoonAU Image
4. jimin appears in the gc

#minjoonAU Image

#minjoonAU ImageImage
6. get it together Image
7. out of the blue

#minjoonAU ImageImage
8. LAME ImageImage
9. some time off Image
10. just want tea??? 😬 ImageImage
11. for free ImageImage
12. 😄 ImageImage
13. he doesn’t deserve me

#minjoonAU ImageImageImageImage
14. GONE ImageImage
15. trash bags ImageImage
16. right? 🤪 ImageImage
17. ⏩ 1 month ImageImage
18. he’s back 💋 Image
19. gross ImageImage
20. hobi? Image
21. Always hot ImageImage
22. 🤥🤥ok

#minjoonAU Image
23. WOW 😍 ImageImage
24. meet us here Image
25. dancing with a stranger

#minjoonAU Image
26. i just ... ImageImage
27. hobi performed 🥰 ImageImage
28. stop flirting here Image
29. ????? ImageImage
30. ⏩ next morning ImageImage
31. *kisses to the sky for you*

#minjoonAU ImageImage
32. well...

#minjoonAU ImageImage
33. TEXT ME ImageImage
34. r u ok son? ImageImage
heheh this will be all for today 🥺✨ thanks for everyone who’s reading aaa🥰😭
35. ⏩ 1 week later

hehe i said that was all for today but it wasn’t 😩 ImageImageImageImage
36. 😳 ImageImage
37. hobi’s text is “i’ll get there with yoongi we are just finishing the set” 😳 ImageImage
38. stealing your man ImageImage
39. is he cute? 🥰

#minjoonAU ImageImage
40. ImageImage
41. im not ?? ImageImage
42. ugh he is cute ImageImage
43. they are having an after party🎈 ImageImage
44. ⏩1 week

#minjoonAU ImageImage
45. right? 😳

#minjoonAU ImageImage
46. YOU KISSED? ImageImage
47. I KISSED A GUY ImageImage
48. jimin 👁👄👁 ImageImage
49. well this is good ImageImage
ok this is all for today! 🥰 thanks again for readinggg 💓💓
50. the gc reaction to namjoon’s kiss ImageImage
51. DELETE ImageImage
52. no one saw you ImageImage
53. ⏩some weeks later ImageImage
54. my boo? 👻

#minjoonAU ImageImage
55. a day with no classes pt. 1 ✨ Image
56. domestic taegi on a day with no classes pt. 2 ✨ ImageImage
57. for future reference Image
58. namjooning in a day with no classes pt. 3 ✨ Image
59. 2seok and kookie in a day with no classes pt. 4 ✨ ImageImageImage
60. ⏩ 1 week later

#minjoonAU ImageImage
61. 👀 Image
62. WHO? ImageImageImageImage
63. saddie... ImageImage
64. i...

#minjoonAU ImageImage
65. bad bunny snapped ImageImage
66. THIRSTY ImageImage
67. ⏩ 2 weeks later

jeon jungkook? ImageImage
“Jeon Jungkook right?” Jimin says. He has seen this guy in class before but they have never interacted, in fact he hasn’t seen him interact with anyone in the class.

“Hi, yes!” he says, his voice is softer than his looks. “Ah, you? Jimin I think?” he says, shy.
Jimin laughs a little. “Yep, that’s me!”

The class started but they kept talking, small talk at least. Thoughts on the class, how their projects were going; they even worked together that class. Jimin noticed he was nice.

“See you next class!” He says with a smile.
“See you Jimin! It was nice to meet you!” Jungkook says.

Jimin didn’t know why people were so afraid of Jungkook, he looked intimidating but was actually a soft person.
Two weeks passed and Jimin has talked with Jungkook almost in every class they share, he has realized that he liked to talk with him because Jungkook didn’t look at him like he wanted to know the reason behind his breakup.
Yes, people are still doing that. Whenever Jimin gets into a room a couple of heads would turn around to look at him and whisper to each other.

Taehyung had told him that maybe they were curious since his ex was making his moving on phase so public.
‘Public? What do you mean?’ He had asked Tae but his best friend had only told him that it was actually for the best that they had blocked each other on social media.

So yeah, Jimin likes talking with Jungkook because he is someone fresh.
Someone who knows him as Jimin and not as Hangyeol’s ex.
68. A LOT!! ImageImage
69. we will see ImageImage
70. Like im a fuckboy??? ImageImage
71. ⏩ its been 3 months since their first interaction ImageImageImageImage
72. joon + _

#minjoonAU ImageImage
73. no name! ImageImageImageImage
74. omg who? 👀 Image
75. i seriously don’t Image
76. i panic ok??? ImageImage
77. some of namjoon’s daily tweets ImageImageImageImage
78. 😋🌼 Image
79. ✨✨✨jimin✨✨✨ Image
80. its been 5 month, jimin and jungkook are closer friends ImageImage
81. Image
82. i SEE YOU ImageImage
83. 🥴🥴🥴 ImageImage
84. nice kitchen!! Image
85. poor guy! Image
86. 🥺? ImageImage
87. jimin 1 🥰 ImageImage
88. omg me too Image
89. oh?

#minjoonAU ImageImage
mini update for now! but jungkook is now a common friend! 👀
90. ⏩ 2 weeks later

can i join? ImageImage
91. Jimin is on his way home and he is only thinking “i wish i could see him”

#minjoonAU ImageImageImage
92. MONTHS ImageImage
93. oki Image
Jimin buys beer, some snacks and buys his favorite ice cream - one for everyone.

He is lowkey excited. It’s being a long time since he met new people - well probably since the break up or since he met club guy.
He didn’t even know what show they were watching or how long they were going to stay tonight but if Jungkook’s friends were as nice as him then there wouldn’t be an issue.

Jimin has lived in this apartment for so long that he has never had the need to announce his arrival,
but since Jungkook moved in he has started to say things like ‘I am home’ o ‘hey’ and tonight was no different.

He opens the door, “Hey!” he says and it’s surprised by the view in front of him.
Jungkook is kissing a guy’s forehead, when the guy looks up Jimin recognizes him immediately.

Club guy!
The other guy seems to recognize him too, his eyes widen. “Oh?! Break up guy!?” he says.

Jimin freezes for a mili second before he is out of the apartment again. Everything happened fast, so fast! So fast that Jungkook’s friends weren’t even able to reach or greet him back.
94. he ImageImage
“What just happened?” Jin asks.

“Do you know Jimin?” Jungkook follows.

“His name is Jimin?” Namjoon says softly. “He is the guy from the club!”

“CLUB GUY?” the 3 of them ask.

“Yes! Oh my god, I can’t believe you have been living with him this time kook!”
95. tag yourself ImageImageImage
96. IM SOS ImageImage
97. ImageImage
98. is he 🥺

#minjoonAU ImageImage
99. Image
Jimin is outside the apartment, walking from one side to the other.

He is nervous. Why is he nervous? He is not sure, he knows they have been kissing for a while now but seeing his roommate also kissing the guy he has kissed is making him nervous.

Were they boyfriends?
He can’t stay outside for much longer, it would be lame. So he decides to go back in.

“Hey!” he says with a laugh as soon as he gets in. “Sorry for a second I thought I was in the wrong apartment!” he giggles, its a lie but seems better than to say he panicked.
“Hi, we are sorry we scared you!” a guy says approaching him to shake his hand, “I’m Hoseok!”

“Oh my god! You are Yoongi’s friend, you are really good!” Jimin says and they laugh at the coincidence.

“Hiii, so good to finally meet you! I’m Jin” says the next guy in line.
“He is the oldest hyung” Jungkook says, mischievously.

“Love your hair! Nice to meet you too” Jimin says completing the purple hair.

The next in line is club guy. Jimin is nervous to finally know his name.
100. ImageImage
that’s all for today ✨ thanks a lot for reading 🥰💕

#minjoonAU ImageImage
The night is going pretty good, Jimin soon realized that everyone was extremely funny and nice. They had put on this new horror show and it wasn’t as spooky as expected, he noticed Jin and Hoseok were easily scared tho.
Food had arrived, snacks were almost gone and only half of the beer or drinks were left. They were all spread around the sofas and the carpet.

Jimin goes to bring the ice cream that he had bought earlier and gives out one to each of them.
He notices that Jungkook has moved to the floor where he was sitting before, so now he has to sit next to Namjoon... or well in the same sofa at least.

Jimin is nervous.

Namjoon is also nervous.
They talk between episodes and Jimin finds Jin hilarious!

“Nooo Jimin please don’t encourage his jokes!” Namjoon says, pissed but laughing! Jungkook and Hoseok are laughing too.

“I’m the funniest Joonie, stop trying” Jin says.

“You really are hyung!” Jimin laughs.
102. well call him joonie ImageImage
It’s almost 1 AM when they decide to leave. Jimin had offer for them to stay but they didn’t want to take advantage of the place.

“It’s fine next time we will have a sleepover Jiminssi” Jungkook says while opening the door.

Namjoon is right behind Jimin, Jimin can feel it.
“Hey, what if you give me your number? maybe I can text you next time we go to the club!” Namjoon asks.

He feels nervous and dumb. The club part was just an excuse to not sound dumb, he only wanted his number to talk to him. To finally talk to him.

103. IM SHY ImageImage
104. Hi Jimin 👋🏽

#minjoonAU ImageImage
105. ⏩ next day ImageImage
106. Image
107. oh.. my god? ImageImage
108. WDYM ImageImage
109. NO TELL HIM ImageImage
110. i know

#minjoonAU ImageImage
111. LIKE A FOOL Image
112. i’m glad you are single Image
113. 😳 ImageImage
115. is that what we are jiminah? ImageImage
116. strangers Image
117. this was a minjoon unfinished fic inspired on this song that became an au 🤓🤩 ImageImage
118. Image
119. more than 30? ImageImage
120. we are not 13 ImageImage
121. my mind ImageImage
122. imagine those texts were sent at the SAME EXACTO moment

#minjoonAU Image
123. tag yourself ImageImage
124. ImageImage
125. did it work? 🤡 ImageImageImageImage
short update 🤪 i’ll be working in the next update so yeah heheh thanks for reading 🥰
another short update coming! After this i’ll be getting more into minjoon heheh

#minjoonAU ImageImage
127. tag yourself ImageImage
128. namjoon’s memes ImageImageImageImage
129. not for me? ImageImage
130. ⏩ 2 weeks ImageImage
131. dear diary ImageImage
132. yes my friend ImageImage
133. Image
134. omg ImageImage
136. Image
137. right ImageImage
138. what happened to namjoon? ImageImage
139. let’s bet Image
let’s bet [ interactive ]

this won’t affect the plot but 👁👁
aaaa thanks for reading!! this is getting longer than i expected but ill get to the dating part soon eh 🥰
140. friday night aka club day ImageImage
141. “was single” ImageImageImage
142. Image
143. i was going to write their night but this sums it up ImageImageImage
144. thats u guys dancing ImageImage
145. that was so .... ImageImage
146. jimin despite the bullying ImageImage
147. Image
148. conversations over the next two weeks! they are slowly getting out of that awkward strangers phase ImageImageImageImage
149. get itttt? because they were in the park

#minjoonAU ImageImage
150. Image
151. kook’s tl ImageImage
152. OMG ImageImage
hiii i’ll be updating tomorrow’s ✨🌷
153. Image
154. joonie liked

#minjoonAU ImageImageImageImage
155. hmm ... Image
156. NAMJOON ImageImageImageImage
157. ImageImage
158. ImageImage
159. ImageImage
160. imagine its that video Image
161. moots ImageImage
162. tag yourself im hobi ImageImageImageImage
163. Image
164. i like it😭 ImageImageImage
165. new icons for new moots ImageImage
166. ⏩time skip because yoongi just posted

some snaps ImageImageImageImage
167. time skips to cute moments ImageImage
168. pt 2 ImageImage
169. lets say one has an iphone the other an android ImageImage
170. moots getting brave on the tl Image
171. ImageImageImageImage
172. try me ImageImage
173. man of my word ImageImageImage
174. OMG ImageImageImage
175. still about us?? ImageImage
176. Image
177. 🐱🐻🐰 ImageImage
Jimin asks Namjoon if they can facetime with the excuse to gossip more about the possible poly relationship in the circle but it was really just to see him.

Namjoon accepts quicker than he should. He also wanted to see Jimin.
“Hiii stranger!” Jimin says and giggles.

“Oh no, are we back to square one?” Namjoon teases.

At this point the whole “stranger” thing was an inside joke for them. Jimin is nervous, lately he hates feeling SO nervous around Namjoon. Image
Namjoon is also nervous. He finds himself trying to be funny just to keep Jimin interested. Don’t get it wrong, Namjoon is funny but the way he tries so hard when he is talking to Jimin is sometimes embarrassing.

“So how was your dateeee?” Jimin says in a teasing gossipy tone.
“It was not a date!” Joon whines. “But it was really cool!” and then he talks about everything they did. “It was so nice to spend time like that!”

Jimin feels a little jealous. Not jealous, he is just longing to be the one going on dates with Namjoon.
“How was your night?” Joon asks.

“Well... lonely. It doesn’t really help that my only friends are now dating my roommate...”

“Hey I’m your friend too! 😠” Namjoon whines.

“Yeah dummy but you were also on that date” Jimin says trying not to look so affected.
“You are right!” Namjoon says in a serious tone. “I’m sorry we left you alone!”

“Oh god Joonie don’t be a dork! I was able to finish my projects so I’m happy about that!” Jimin says with a silly face. Image
They talked for almost 3 hours and only end it because it’s almost 1 AM and Jimin has an early thing to do.

“Hey want me to go with you tomorrow?”

“Are you sure? You will have to wear a crown!”

“Good! My best look!” Joon says making Jimin laugh.

“Ok Joon! See you!”
178. ImageImageImage
hey everyone 🥺 just dropping by to say that i dont think i’ll be able to update this week! thanks a lot for reading 🥺😭💖😭🌱

(this is next say from last update, that thing Joon offered to go with) ImageImage
180. Image
the gif 🧚🏼
181. loving the view Image
182. me as taegi ImageImage
183. had the most fun Image
184. SMH Image
185. ImageImage
186. (i just discovered i can make quote tweets on that app wow) Image
187. moon fairies

#minjoonau Image
188. WHY DID I ImageImage
hello everyoneee, i took a week off and couldn't update but I'll update tomorrow :D
189. first part of today’s update: ⏩ skip time, some morning and night texts ImageImageImageImage
190. bare minimum ImageImage
191. the old jimin ImageImage
193. oh... ImageImage
194. jimin’s morning and night texts ImageImageImageImage
195. cuddle him ImageImage
196. SO oblivious ImageImage
198. Jungkook has had enough Image
199. hey jiminie

#minjoonAU ImageImage
200. updates already omg minjoon will happen soon!!! ImageImage
201. tag yourself ImageImageImageImage
202. thanks a lot! Image
203. love ImageImage
204. oh boy ImageImageImageImage
205. elaborate ImageImageImageImage
206. ImageImage
207. go out tomorrow? ImageImage
yes they have each other as wallpapers! 😭 that’s all for today, will try to update tomorrow ✨
207. puppies 🥺 ImageImage
208. WHAT BET ImageImage
209. (but yes🥺) ImageImage
Jimin calls Namjoon immediately. “Hii” he says shyly. It was so silly that he was still nervous about talking to Namjoon when they just had their first date. “So Taehyung mentioned the bet and wow!”

“They had so little faith in us!!” Namjoon whines, fake crying over the phone.
Jimin laughs and proceeds to tell Namjoon his plan.

“It won’t last long of course, but it will be fun, don’t you think?” Jimin sounds excited.

“It will be funny baby!” Namjoon says, just as excited, until he realizes what he just said.

“Oh!” Jimin says, making this face 😳
Namjoon blushes and he is thankful Jimin can’t see him.

“JIMINIE OH MY GOD! I’m so so-“

“I like it!”

They both laugh, it feels good, nice!
210. 🐶💛 Image
211. jungkook is always the one connecting the dots Image
212. on a date Image
213. ImageImage
214. cutest pup🥺 Image
215. minjoon operation chat is born ImageImage
216. FINALLY ImageImage
sooo, what will minjoon do?

(this won’t alter the au)
217. ImageImageImageImage
218. WTF NO Image
219. your mind 🤤 ImageImageImage
220. Image
221. bet again... ImageImage
222. ImageImageImageImage
Namjoon decides to call Jimin, it’s late and they already saw each other today but he wants to call him and hear him more, maybe use this whole bet thing as an excuse.

Jimin answers immediately.

“Hi Joonie!!” Jimin says. Namjoon loves his voice.
“I know we saw each other today but i find the bet thing hilarious and I wanted to call you”

“Right? I wonder what is it this time”

“ALSO how much money there is for them to be acting like this?” Joon says and Jimin laughs.
Truth is they talk about the bet for 5 minutes and then they keep on talking about everything.

Jimin likes that about Namjoon, he can talk with him about anything and it doesn’t feel weird or forced.
It’s almost midnight when Jimin starts falling asleep while talking and Namjoon finds it adorable.

“Go to sleep Minie! It’s really late”

“Ahhh I’m really sorry Joonie! LetMs talk more tomorrow yeah? Have sweet dreams!”

“You too Jiminie!” Image
223. Image
224. ⏩ skip a couple of weeks. ImageImage
225. suspiciously quiet ImageImage
226. so what Image

#minjoonAU ImageImageImageImage
for context 👁👁 they already had their second date but no one knows about it
228. ImageImage
229. ImageImage
230. namjoon snaps to jimin ImageImageImageImage
231. Image
232. jimin snaps to joon

(let’s imagine first photo hair matches the others 😋) ImageImageImageImage
234. Image
235. back together????? ImageImage
236. me as jungkook Image
237. a couple of days later ImageImage
that’s all for today 🥺 thanks a lot for reading ⭐️💕
238. ImageImage
239. HOW MANY ImageImage
240. round 2 ImageImage
241. HOLD ON ImageImage
242. 🤨🧐 ImageImage
243. we have bad news ImageImage
244. ImageImage
245. Image
246. joonie baby Image
Namjoon doesn’t text back, instead he calls Jimin immediately.

“What’s wrong Jiminie?”

“I think our friends made another bet about us :(“

“Whaaat another one?”

Jimin tells him how they tweeted about a second round as soon as he told them and about a third round later.
He looks upset. Hell, Namjoon knew Jimin enough now that he was super upset.

Jimin is indeed upset. He tells Joon that he feels their relationship is only under a spotlight for these stupid bets.

“Our relationship? 😳” Namjoon tries to joke. Image
Jimin does laugh but not how Namjoon wanted.

“I know how you feel baby, let’s do this. Next time we know they are doing a bet, we stop them”

“Yes Joonie🥺 that sounds good!”

Namjoon says a couple of things related to this whole bet thing but Jimin isn’t paying attention
He can only see how gorgeous Namjoon looks.

“So I think we c-“

“You look pretty hot Joonie”

Jimin interrupts. Namjoon is take back by the comment, the sudden change of topics, and he laughs. Image
247. Image
248. ⏩ couple of days later Image
250. 😜👅💦🤙🏽 Image
251. Image
252. is it a CRIME ImageImage
253. Image
254. babyyyy ImageImage
255. morning jimin Image
256. tag yourself ImageImageImageImage
257. ImageImage
258. mini moni ImageImage
259. i kinda like it Image
260. ImageImageImageImage
261. WE KISSED Image
that’s the last update for today 🥺 thaaaanks again for reading 💝
hihihi i will try to update today, if not tomorrow 🪴
262. Image
263. hmmm ImageImageImageImage
264. YOU GUYS ImageImage
265. ImageImage
266. let me call you?? Image
267. joon after that call Image
268. my baby ImageImage
269. Image
270. u coward Image
271. jimin said: no cowards in this house ImageImageImageImage
272. me as jungkook Image
273. also me as jimin Image
274. Image
hiii everyone 🥺 sorry i havent update, i’m currently moving house so its being a couple of busy days! i will try my best to update next week 🥰✨ thanks a lot for reading 🪴✨
275. ImageImageImage
276. Image
277. TAE 😭 ImageImage
278. Image
279. NAMJOON ImageImage
280. Image
281. my baby Image
282. pls forgive us 😭 ImageImage
283. WE ARE😭 ImageImage
284. Image
285. in case ImageImageImageImage
286. they kept going Image
287. im yoongi ImageImageImageImage
288. Image
289. ⏩ time skip ImageImage
290. ⏩ time skip #2 Image
291. b-boyfriend? ImageImage
292. nsfw ish / slight joke ImageImage
293. 🥺 Image
294. BOYFRIEND ImageImageImageImage
294. became bfs Image
Jimin’s and Namjoon’s phones start buzzing as soon as the tweet is posted. Video calls incoming from their friends and Jungkook barging into Jimin’s room.

“HELLO BOYFRIENDS” the 5 of them screamed almost at the same.
Their friends giggle and only say “finally” when the new couple shares the news. ImageImage
295. ⏩ time skip, 2 months Image
296. MY BABY ImageImage
— The End.
the end was kinda rushed 😭 im sorry! but it felt right to the story for me. thanks to everyone who read it 🌸😭 you can read my fica here or my other aus on my pinned ✨
bonus!!! Image
also! jungkook became taegi’s boyfriend and their relationship was one of the most loving ones ever! hobi and jin got engaged a year after! jimin and joonie are planning on moving in together and adopting a puppy ✨💕

• • •

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1 Aug 18
[ yoonjin au ] ☕️

Yoongi keeps falling asleep in classes so worried Jin starts bringing him coffee, then one day he includes his phone number.
profiles pt 1
yoongi and his grossly in love best friends
profiles pt 2
jin and his 3 babies
Read 86 tweets

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