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Mar 19th 2021
#minjoonau where ImageImageImageImage
no i did not repost it because i made a typo what ever do you mean
anyways lmk ur thoughts bc i wrote this at 4am when my insomnia decided to make herself known
Read 103 tweets
Oct 26th 2020
[ minjoon au ] 🌷

After his breakup, Jimin goes clubbing every week with his friends and everytime he dances with the same stranger. After months of dancing with a stranger, Jimin still doesn’t even know his name until one day he sees him in his house.

#minjoonau ImageImageImageImage
profiles ✨ ImageImage
profiles: taegi are jimin’s friends ✨ ImageImage
Read 367 tweets
Jul 25th 2020
#MINJOONAU ✨namjoon and jimin are best friends and have secretly liked each other for years, but when jimin begins tweeting about a crush on his main, namjoon can’t help but be curious and even a little jealous. will he ever learn that the tweets are for him?
important !!✨
hello everyone! this is my first au so i’m obviously still trying to get a hang of the process and the apps, because of this not all of the bts members will have accounts, but they will be mentioned. i’m hoping that once i figure this out i can make more with all +
- do not pay attention to time stamps or dates as they don’t matter!!✨
- pls quote instead of replying as it might break the thread
- i would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, feedback - my dms are open and my cc is ~~
Read 112 tweets
May 6th 2020
[ minjoon au • same day, five years later ]
— in which park jimin runs a fansite for min yoongi and, according to the army community, is kim namjoon's anti-fan.
[ don't reply, please quote! the timestamps won't be important. the real important time will be in the captions ]
Read 531 tweets

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