Glenn and I actually started out writing this Hunter article together, but he wanted to get deep into Burisma and media criticism and I wanted to focus on the China element, so we decided to write separate pieces. His piece was still in the edit process when all this blew up.
I was hopeful he’d be able to work out his differences on the piece with his editor and I’m still convinced that could have happened. This, as he says, has been brewing for a long time and was about more than just one story.
Meanwhile my piece is not terribly interesting as I have no new emails or anything, and have been rather distracted today
And also I still have to finish Deconstructed ugh
Nothing, I just felt like Burisma had been litigated to death and I didn’t wanna slide back into the muck of Ukrainian politics when the China angle had more potential for news
lol Cruz must figure he’s politically better off in the Senate minority when it comes to launching another presidential bid, happy to kneecap his vulnerable colleague to make that happen
To walk folks through the logic of how this politically benefits Cruz and other ambitious senators on the right, like this guy below, consider two worlds. One has Rs in the majority but Biden in the White House. That could produce a tough vote on some compromise bill every week
Obama taking a full month to nominate Garland was such an Obama move all around
My argument at the time was he should appoint himself and give them a chance to vote him out of the White House and on to the court.
No law against it. I wasn’t really being serious, though the idea had some merit. If they refused to hold hearings it might piss off enough partisan Obama supporters that they’d have bothered to vote
Lots of polling shows that Democrats are less likely to vote if they believe Trump is just going to steal the election. Trump's people have no doubt seen that polling too, which might be motivating Trump to be so honest about stealing the election. Win-win, so to speak.
The more he can get the media and Democratic leaders to talk about his willingness to steal the election, the less likely it becomes that he has to steal it to win. Awfully clever, if intentional.
And this point is not remotely controversial among Democratic strategists who analyze polling and have found that people are more likely to vote if they think their vote will matter and count. Here's one piece of a memo where they talk about how to better frame it (3rd row down)
The Park Avenue defender has logged on to...preach against elite mingling at social gatherings?
I’m still chuckling at the idea that Soledad would have deigned to cover a D or R policy retreat. If she had, she’d know these are not exclusive things, they happen out in the open at the hotel bar
Did Boehner try to charm reporters? Of course, same as any political figure.
For bedtime, @irisgrim and I’ve been reading this CSPAN history of the presidents and it’s remarkable what bad luck the left — broadly and imperfectly defined — has had when it comes to mortality.
The first president to die in office, the Whig William Henry Harrison, was the first to run a modern campaign, even drawing 100k people to a rally, like 1/2 the damn population at the time. Women for the first time were a major part of his campaign and he ousted Jackson’s protege
Martin Van Buren. He died in a month and was replaced by the slavery-loving Democrat John Tyler, who was later elected to serve in the Confederate Congress
Telling people to give money to McGrath when there are so many closer races — ME, NC, SC, GA, GA, AZ, MT, MI, CO, TX, and even Alaska — is utterly bizarre.