The polls just opened and are open til 3 PM! Last chance to register and vote early. Join the 4.27 million NCians who have already cast their ballots. Here's the list of early voting sites in your county:
Hey, want to know which early voting site has the shortest lines? If you live in Buncombe, Cabarrus, Chatham, Durham, Forsyth, Guilford, New Hanover, Randolph, or Wake counties, you can! Links below: 2/
NORTH CAROLINA: Do NOT do what the President directs. To make sure your ballot COUNTS, sign and send it in EARLY. Then track it ONLINE with BALLOTTRAX. Do NOT vote twice (it’s a felony), or waste your time, or unnecessarily risk exposure to more people.…
The only GOOD thing about the President’s tweet is that he FINALLY encourages voters to VOTE BY MAIL. It’s an easy, safe & secure way to cast a ballot. To request yours:
Important Thread on VOTING in NC: 1. Register to vote before Fri 10/9 2. Request mail-in ballot ASAP 3. Mail in your ballot ASAP & track receipt by text/email 4. or Vote during 17 days of early vote (Th 10/15 – Sat 10/31) 5. or Vote on Election Day (Tu 11/3) 6. DO NOT VOTE TWICE