Chaya Someswara Temple of Nalgonda,Andhra Pradesh is unique & got the name as the formation of a relentless shadow(Chaya)
falls over the main Shivalinga throughout the day irrespective of the position of the sun.This reveals the scientific consciousness of our ancestors.
The temple was built in 11th to 12thcentury by Kunduru chodas & Kakatiyas dynasty. The mysterious chaya is apparent even today & surprisingly there is no pillar exactly in front of the Linga . It is formed by the reflection of light through various pillars which are placed
SANKARACHAYRA TEMPLE located on the Sankaracharya hill on Zabarwan range in Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir Union Teriotrry is dedicated to Mahadev Shiva.
Kalhana,the author of Rajataranini has mentioned that King Gopaditya has built the original temple around 371 BC as the shrine of
Jyesthesvara Shiva.Present temple is built in 9th Century.The large Shivalinga installed in the Garbhagtiha is said to be brought from Narmada River.
Adi Sankaracharya visited this place in 9th century.He wrote the Saundarya Lahari in praise of Shakti at the top of hill known
till then as Gopadari hills.He also
attained the spiritual knowledge here.Thereafter both the hill and the temple was dedicated to him and known as Sankaracharya Hill and Sankaracharya Temple.
The temple is now a Nationally protected structure & maintained by ASI.
Chaturmukha or Chaumukhnath Temple of ,Nachna Village of Panna Dist of Madhya Pradesh has a very rare form of Mukhalinga which is 4.67ft high carved out of single stone with four faces on four cardinal direction.Out of 4, three are in clam & meditating position where as fifth one
in in highly energized form of Bhairava with wide open mouth & raised nostril.
The temple is built on a plat form and the four face Sivalinga as Sadashiva represents the Pancha Mukha Aspect of Shiva where Tatpurusha ,Vamadeva ,Satyojatha & Bhairava face four cardinal direction
& while Ishana the fifth one beyond the space & formless. All the faces are with elaborated hare style.
The temple is rebuilt in 9th century on the original 5th century (Jagati) platform and many part of old temple are reused in it.
We can sense the Dedication & Wisdom of our ancestors though the Magic,they have created on Stones.
Sachhiya Mata temple,Jodhpur .
Sacchiya mata temple was built by Parmar king Upendra for his Kuldevi Maa Jagat Bhwani Sacchiya mata or Osiya mata in 9th century in,Osian town near Jodhpur.
"If Devotees are not able to have Darshan of their Venugopala then he comes near them."
This is the real and fascinating tale of Venugopala Swami Temple near Krishna Raja Sagara Dam,Mysuru, which remained submerged underwater for 70 years.
The original temple was built by Hoysala rulers during 12th century.
When the KRS dam was constructed the entire structure & the village where it situaed submerged completely
But the complex remained intact and was visible when water of the dam recedes.
Sri Hari Khoday of Khoday foundation took the responsibility to relocate & restored the entire temple complex .The main idol of shee Venugopala, was shifted to the rehabilitated village hosa Kannambadi before the summeesion