@Hellohowru12345@simondolan Hi Kate you've been very vocal regards this scam 😁your influence is bigger than mine ,please can you try out this out there the scam regards covid counting ,this is supposedly a fife hotspot by there calculations
@Hellohowru12345@simondolan The way they calculate is like this 100,000÷3216=31,6×31=186 which means there is 186cases per 100,000population over the threshold and helped put fife in tier2 ordering on tier3 ,most towns in fife are split into 4catergories ie rosyth east,west,south,north ,
@Hellohowru12345@simondolan Cowdenbeath north,south,east,west etc etc bringing each sections approx 3000+each area so if for example rosyth south had 4cases out of approx3330 residents then,100,000÷3300=30.3,4×30.3=112 cases per 100,000population which put it int2 bordering T3 🤔
@Hellohowru12345@simondolan Get the picture rosyth actually has a population of just under14,000in total also there is 2care homes in that section so no cases in the general population and 2ineach care home 🤔now that is happening all over the country to inflate numbers everywhere north and south of border
@Hellohowru12345@simondolan Stumbled over this calculation by accident from this news report,as dalmeny only has a population of just under 1800residents so if 2cases there= 100,000÷1800=55.6,2×55.6=111cases per 100,000 population🤔
@Hellohowru12345@simondolan This really needs to be put out there on a global scale for the sake of of all humanity as we know it please please try 😟🤞