BREAKING 🚨🚨🚨: New @DataProgress
poll shows that Puerto Ricans on the Island Overwhelmingly Support the Immediate Right to Vote for President and Support Vice President Biden over President Trump. #PuertoRico#Election2020 Open 🧵
60 % of respondents said that they would vote for Vice President Biden if they could vote for president. #PuertoRico#Election2020
Support for Biden is sustained in both under 45 and over 45 groups and across gender. #PuertoRico#Election2020
Polling suggests that 43 % of Puerto Ricans don’t consider themselves members of either the Democratic or Republican parties. Instead, their primary political affiliation is to local political parties. #PuertoRico#Election2020
Ideologically, 44% of respondents describe themselves as Very or Somewhat Conservative and 32 % describes themselves as Moderate. Results were similar across age and gender. #PuertoRico#Election2020
CLARIFICATION: Notions of conservatism and liberalism can differ from those in the U.S. Furthermore, local government officials may self-identify as Democrat or Republican, but they don't run under the banner of those parties in local elections. #PuertoRico#Election2020
In fact, the PNP - statehood party - ticket includes a Democrat for Governor and a Republican for Resident Commissioner. #PuertoRico#Election2020
The acute sense of disenfranchisement in Puerto Rico is loud and clear. 77% of respondents want the right to vote for president right now, regardless of future political status. #PuertoRico#Election2020
This week Pres. Trump charged new Puerto Rico Oversight Board member Justin Peterson with bringing “transparency and efficiency” to the @FOMBPR. Yet nothing has been transparent about the war Mr. Peterson's firm @DCIGroup waged for years against the government of Puerto Rico.
The appointment is so controversial that Republican Rep. Jenniffer Gonzalez and Democrat Rep. Nydia Velazquez - two women who not always agree - have publicly opposed it.
Follow this 🧵 if you want to know how @DCIgroup spun its web of deceit.
Trump acaba de lanzar un nuevo anuncio de Puerto Rico. Un nuevo intento de embaucar a los boricuas en la Florida. Déjame contarte lo que realmente sucedió. Comienzo🧵 @Boricuas4Biden
Aqui les presento esta nueva joya Trumpistica de ficción histórica.
“I think that's a problem that’s going to go away… They have studied it. They know very much. In fact, we’re very close to a vaccine.” #COVID19#TrumpKnew#200KDeadAmericans
A Tale of Two Hurricanes - Harvey and Maria Three Years Later #ProhibidoOlvidar
On August 25th, 2017 Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Texas. One month later, on September 20th, Hurricane Maria slammed Puerto Rico. #ProhibidoOlvidar
Both Hurricanes were Category 4 but the Trump Administration response to each disaster was the difference between 1 and 10. #ProhibidoOlvidar
Today Puerto Rico Governor Wanda Vazquez announced and agreement with FEMA of $9.6 billion to rebuild Puerto Rico's electric grid and $2 billion to restore schools and educational facilities. Begin 🧵 @Boricuas4Biden
The announcement comes two days after Vice President Biden announced his Plan for Puerto Rico. Governor Vazquez is a Trump Republican. Nothing is a coincidence in an election year.…