One thing about the results I'm curious about from a tactical and demographic analyses POV is how Trump's frontal attack on mail ballots and also the US Postal Service in general will play out in the numbers. On a personal and moral level, I'm disgusted by it. But curious...
Postal voting has been a part of the US system for a while and is growing. It's generally a very well run, efficient system with lots of checks and balances to make sure it's cast and counted correctly. In 2016, about 20% voted by mail. Neither party had an edge, studies show.
It's used mainly by military personnel posted away from their homes (biggish number), civilians who are out of state or overseas, and the disabled or senior citizens (big number). And of course, a handful of states like blue Oregon and red Utah that vote exclusively by mail.
Mail ballots became a bigger deal cos of covid. In May-June, a majority of my friends (and the wife and I) were thinking about voting by mail because, you know, virus. Then came Trump's absolutely bizarre and cruel frontal attack on USPS, with a complicit Post Master General.
Now, pretty much anyone I know under the age of 60 and physically capable has either voted early in person or then physically carried their postal ballot to a drop box. The only ones to voted by mail were seniors, legit worried about covid, or those out of state or country.
In fact the surge in early voting is very likely attributable to Trump's attack on the postal system. Democrats have been very active with awareness and GOTV efforts. Motivated extra by Trump saying explicitly that he's going to try his hardest to hit system.
Also PSA: Even if you sent in a mail ballot, you can still show up & vote, like Trump was urging his fans to do. All these systems have built-in measures to make sure only the first of those counted, is counted. But 2020 will still have most mail votes ever. Mail voting isn't new
And it will be heavily dominated by seniors unable to or unwilling to leave their homes. Like Florida. Lots of mobility challenged retirees there in their 70s and 80s and 90s vote by mail. Or people in their 50s/60s who are mobile but rightly wary of the virus.
Here's where Trump's USPS gutting gets bizarre. In 2016, he carried the 50-64 segment by 6% and 65+ by 9%. Even bigger margins among white voters in those age groups. (Source - Pew)
So assuming that mail-in ballots are mostly 50+ and Trump has a big edge among 50+, bizarre, no?
Going beyond mailin ballots, another reason it's bizarre is that rural counties rely on the USPS for their day to day lives and economic activity disproportionately more than urban or suburban counties. I can walk out right now and spot a dozen FedEx/UPS trucks in Manhattan.
But in remote, sparsely populated counties, it's the USPS that is usually the cheapest (of course), quickest, and sometimes only practical option to send or receive packages. Despite what libertarian talking points say on Reddit, the USPS is a very competent and able agency.
So by kneecapping the USPS, Trump is directly hitting their wallets and also just daily convenience, given how extra important e-commerce has become since covid hit. And he carried most rural counties in 2016. He still will. But surely this USPS-gutting should have an impact.
Republican lawsuits against ballots will be very clinically targeted of course. Like the Republicans' Texas case in federal court is only targeting curbside ballots in Harris County, which went from 10% for Bush in 04 to 2% Obama in 08 to 12% for Clinton in 16.
But still, this frontal assault on the USPS by Trump seems potentially like cutting off his nose to spite his face. Especially given how Democrats responded to it. The results will tell all. Whenever we get them all. And of course, the courts will play a big role.
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Earliest I've cooked full meals. Making thalipeeth and chicken egg fried rice for her to take with her for her duties as an election worker. Which start soon at 5 AM. And may go on for 24 hours straight. 😍😍
And @k_rupal is off for what could be a loooooong shift. But I've equipped her with ample bhajni thalipeeth and fried rice. Packed in easy to snack portions. It's 5 AM in NYC and the election for America's soul is about to start. #VOTE
It's only now sinking in that today is today. And she can't leave until polls close and results are reported so she won't be with me till tomorrow. 😳😳 I'm gonna have to watch the results alone 😳😳
Not just that! These supposed "States rights, we can secede" Republicans are asking the federal court to strike down the decision of the state supreme court. Which no one is sure is even constitutional. Federalist Society, my ass!
It's good to see a 7-1 decision (of course Thomas dissented) from this imbalanced court explicitly standing up for the First Amendment right to organize protests, and the chilling effect that allowing a tort case against #Deray for just organizing a protest could have.
Tangent. Longtime followers will know that in my blogging days and then until about 2010, I was very much in the libertarian camp. Influenced heavily by American blogs, sitting in India, bonding over how much the Driver's License Bureau or Passport Office or Post Office sucks.
It's very easy in India to loathe any government agency, because most of them are designed and run like obstacle courses, no matter which party is in power. There is a huge power imbalance in the citizen - government employee equation, favoring the latter.
And at least back then, private players, wherever allowed in the early days of economic reforms, were noticeably more efficient and less asshole-ish than government employees whose job was to provide you with a service. So the private > public message of libertarians resonated.
This is what keeps me hopeful about US in the long run. That Republicans have had to bend and push rules and norms beyond breaking points just to win elections.
Unlike India which is lost to fascists for at least a generation, there is a real resistance and opposition here.
As shocking as the 2016 result was, Americans still gave Hillary Clinton almost 3 million more votes. Even with Republican voter suppression tactics. It's the bizarre electoral college plus winner takes all system that keeps them competitive in Presidential races.
I can't imagine Modi last year saying "if I lose, it is rigged, and I might not transfer power". He didn't need to. He's done other stuff to gut Indian institutions. But even he hasn't gone into an election saying he will only accept results if he wins, and if not, it's fraud.
Here's how trick or treating is working in this Philly suburb in covid times. We've set up a table with baggies of candy and other knick knacks. When a kid walks by, we walk into the house, chat from a distance. Here's a cute like ladybug plus butterfly, we think.
Even a bad knee didn't prevent me from hitting the farmer's market with @curiousgawker and Maggie with Biden-Harris gear. And at every stall, were met with "nice shirt. Voted?" chats. If this Philly suburb is a barometer, Trump is in trouble in PA.
On the non-political side, was delightfully surprised to find fresh methi (fenugreek) at a salad greens stall. Owner wasn't Indian. And when we bought it and said we use it a lot in India, she asked for a lot of cooking tips. And threw in the bunch for free. Dal methi time!
Then picked up some surmai and pomfret from a Korean supermarket and the couple in front of us was talking in marathi. Couldn't resist a "mastapaiki kaalvan-bhaat khaaun dupaarchi zop? 😊" And they happily said "ho 😁"