3RD NATIONAL CITIZENS CONVENTION @Edithweutonga :People for the first time have been in the same place closed with nowhere to go, people had not had that time, it was my relationships with siblings, husband, children &realised a lot of things we take for granted #NoneButOurselves
@Edithweutonga : It was a terrible time for me, what if this happens to my children and my husband, I have not had time to say it. it's been realising that communication is key in families, while some people fight for me this has been space for me to reconcile #NoneButOurselves
Maaianne: Whats cooking for me, many things, its kind os sense of enoughness, its a relief and release in the arts, trying to bring my way, our way there is a wanting to break free and being free, being who aIm and what I am #NoneButOurselves@CitManifesto@MagambaNetwork
Maaianne: This question of arts and women, we were wondering when people are beleaguered when there us uncertainty and hardships, from this space can we imagine, can we dream, so this question to say this is where the arts come in, it has supported healing @CitManifesto
Marble Nederlo Sithole: Those in Capetown they have struggled because they relied on gigs and gigging, for artists to manage their style to innovate they need sustainance as well, but what it is in our system today that is choking that creativeness #NonButOurselves
Marble Nederlof Sithole; In a process where nation is looking for healing, if you take artists as farmers tilling the land & if the farmer is hungry he keep pushing on but if he is hungry he will struggle. I was just thinking as music heals, the bearer of poetry need to be whole
Marble Nederlof Sithole: As a people we need to support and nurture our artist, the brokenness includes this feeling of not being seen and the pain that goes with that, and I think for artist to find space to pour out that sense of feeling is valuable #NoneButOurselves
@Edithweutonga : Her listening to music and writing music helped to see things the other way. The way arts has come for her, you find that out of it through that song, poetry comes a lot of streams and it becomes a bridge to healing, of hope of taking responsibility
Marble Nederlof Sithole: Art is not for those who are talented or those who have natural talent, art is for everyone &when you run out of words to express, art is that space where you can dream, connect beyond speaking it connects with the unseen of people hearts #NonButOuservels
Marble Nederlof Sithole: A lot of people who suffer trauma do know how to vocalise it, and as we create more space for people to express them that there is a new level of freedom.True freedom is when minds and hearts are liberated, the chuckles are in the unseen #NonButOuservesle
Maaianne: Artist allow the invisible to be seen to be expressed, all of us as artists how do we create a space to been seen, where do dreams come from, do we create them, how do we create the space to hear that call #NonButOuselves
Marble Nederlorf Sithole: People ask how do you write your songs Marble, but a song is like a raindrop it just drops and soaks you, it transforms you because its new
Marble Nederlof Sithole: That space at the begging of each day helps me those moments of stillness, its special to make space and time to connect with ourselves and inner being and beauty of creation and realise we have this gift everyday #NonButOurselves
This is Art is our Medicine at 3rd National Citizens Conventions Watch Video: fb.watch/1yykjP4FWD/
@Edithweutonga : When people look at you when you go on stage as a public figure, it's the beauty they see, that draw them, beauty is vain, but its what you carry as an artist what goes on in the heart of the people that is listening #NoneButOurselves@BriggsBomba@CitManifesto
Marble Nederlof Sithole: To have this place to reflect and connect in the morning which is working for me, before my daughter wakes, that helps a lot, away of environment that speaks of my usual helps to create #NoneButOurselves@CitManifesto
Marble Nederlof Sithole: The message that reaches the next person could be what they need to wake up the next day and keep going, there is something much greater than ourselves #NoneButOurselves@MagambaNetwork
@Edithweutonga : I have taken to going to run in the morning and evening when I run I do a lot of talking to everything in my head, a tree growing each has its season, not every artist has a calling, we are artist,
@Edithweutonga : But the call to be able to interact & engage with everyone who comes to our art its not in every piece, its for us to engage those around us, through our art form there is a lot we can do to make a better space, Kufunda do it with the way they engage with nature
@Edithweutonga : As an artist is my art doing enough, are we playing our role, where educating is concerns, where communication is concerned, whatever we give to our communities as artists what role are we playing, what role is our art performing in this world #NoneButOurselves
3rd National Citizens Convention
line up for tonight: 1. Happy Hour
The Dream I have for my country with Virus ft Almal J.Red
BusTop Tv skit
Berina Arts Theatrical
Hope Masike @OpenParlyZw in conversation with Environmental Activist facebook.com/citmanifesto/v…
. @LeninChisaira : Imagine the kids growing up and there are no longer elephants? lets ensure we protect our natural resources for future generations #NCC2020#NoneButOurselves
“Understanding the Environment Crisis Unfolding Before Us & Taking Action Before It’s Too Late”
Anna Brazier - Independent Consultant on Sustainable Development @LeninChisaira (Advocates4Earth)
Selestino Chari Harare Wetlands Trust
Fiona Illif @ZLHRLawyers
Golden : Startups are good at creating content and have a huge audience following them, they must protect themselves by creating networks and synergies #NCC2020#NoneButOurselves
. @Magi_BustopTv : The police doesn't seem to care about credentials
You can move around with your press card and still be arrested #NCC2020#NoneButOurselves
Malaika Mahlatsi : Outsiders do not give solutions, it is the people who liberate themselves, the people know their narrative and situations better #NCC2020#NoneButOurselves
Malaika Mahlatsi : If i were to summarise the Zimbabwean crisis in one word i would say Violence
Violence that is systematic, violence that disenfranchises people in which the embeddedness of @ZANUPF_Official in everything including the judiciary #NCC2020#NoneButOurselves
We are at Harara Magistrate Court waiting for @daddyhope who set to appear in court today on charges of contempt of court and defeating the course of justice #OpenParlyZW
HON. ILLOS NYONI: HON. I. NYONI: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir, for giving me the opportunity to contribute to this very important motion tabled by Hon. Chingosho and seconded by Hon. Chikukwa.
HON. NYONI: The responsibility of DDF - we are all quite aware that it is a maintenance and rehabilitation Department of infrastructure. They are also a water supplier, road services, hire equipment and tillage services.
HON. NYONI: We are quite aware that roads in rural areas are in a dilapidated state, particularly feeder roads used by our rural communities. These roads, of course, are used for transport purposes to transport materials and people.
HON. MUNOCHINZWA: Thank you, Mr Speaker Sir, for giving me the opportunity to add my voice on the motion on debate on the State of the Nation Address by His Excellency the President.
HON. MUNOCHINZWA: First of all, I want to thank my political party, the MDC-T that found it prudent for me to represent Masvingo Province in this august House. I am going to deal first and foremost with the issue of the education sector with special reference to the teachers.
HON. MUNOCHINZWA: I was a teacher for a long time. I appreciate how difficulties it is for one to be a teacher. Mr. Speaker Sir, teachers require decent food for them to be able to perform their duties well. They want to be smartly dressed as this befits their status.