Happening Now: On #AmakhosikaziChatroom.
Women discussing issues to do with ‘Access to sexual reproductive health information and services for adolescents’.
Guests :
Dr Ruth Labode : Parliamentary committee on health chairperson
Prisca Dube : Women and Legal rights expert
Topical issues being discussed
•Should 12 year olds be allowed access to contraceptives?
•How safe is giving adolescents full rights to access reproductive services without parental consent?
•Is denying adolescents from being given contraceptives a violation of their sexual and reproductive health rights?
•Does legalizing contraceptives for 12 year olds not contradict the laws on age of consent?
Dr Ruth Labode " As parliament we are not trying to change the age of consent to sex which is 16 or age of majority (12). We want those kids who have already indulged in sex and also for those who live alone or orphans who are heading families already..."
Dr Ruth Labode "They should be allowed access to contraceptive services and condoms. Some children cant talk to their parents about sex making it hard to be safe"
Dr Ruth Labode"UNICEF 2019 study reports that 7000 children failed to proceed to form one because of pregnancies. @naczim also revealed that AIDS is now controllable among adults but difficult with kids. This is because children secretly have unprotected sex"
Dr Ruth Labode "There is a report which states that 70 000 illegal abortions are happening in Zimbabwe every year, due to the fact that children are sexually active but are not allowed to collect or receive condoms.
Dr Ruth Labode "We have a national goal of ending AIDS by 2030 but we wont achieve this if we have children who are indulging in sex secretly. Children should be allowed to access these services, i mean those who are sexually active" @ParliamentZim
Prisca Dube "A child is a person below the age of 18 but we know that some children are already adults. Some parents are missing in action when they go to the diaspora and children are raising themselves...'
Prisca Dube "Society cant raise our children whilst we are away anymore. We are no longer a communal society where a child was raised by a village, we are on our own now and we should engage with our children"
Prisca Dube "Looking at the levels of AIDS among children, teenage pregnancies, STI and back yard abortions, shouldn’t we say those children that are indulging in sex start to have contraceptives services and condoms so that we prevent pregnancies, STIs, AIDS and abortions"
Prisca Dube "If we are not comfortable with the age 12 then what are we comfortable with, lets come up with a study and understand whats going on the ground with our children and most importantly lets sit down with them and understand their plight"
Prisca Dube "Allowing adolescents to access services does not mean these will be distributed willy nilly like sweets. The move is to make services accessible to those in need of those services..."
Prisca Dube "Some adolescents are having relationships with their peers whilst others are having sexual relations with adults, which in some cases the adults are relatives we do not even want to report to the police. So we need to be objectively think about this"
Participant " Beer is not allowed for under aged children then why should we allow contraceptives. The same mechanism used to control young drinkers should be used for those indulging in sex at a tender age"
Participant " Children must be children. Sex is not part of being a child, the fact that we are having this discussion shows that our society has gone wrong. Early adoption of sex and contraceptives is bad, by the time they grow up they will be exhausted and used up"
Participant "I feel there is a difference between accessing contraceptives and accessing knowledge. Lets teach the girls from a young age and empower them before they get to that stage of accessing contraceptives"
3rd National Citizens Convention
line up for tonight: 1. Happy Hour
The Dream I have for my country with Virus ft Almal J.Red
BusTop Tv skit
Berina Arts Theatrical
Hope Masike @OpenParlyZw in conversation with Environmental Activist facebook.com/citmanifesto/v…
. @LeninChisaira : Imagine the kids growing up and there are no longer elephants? lets ensure we protect our natural resources for future generations #NCC2020#NoneButOurselves
“Understanding the Environment Crisis Unfolding Before Us & Taking Action Before It’s Too Late”
Anna Brazier - Independent Consultant on Sustainable Development @LeninChisaira (Advocates4Earth)
Selestino Chari Harare Wetlands Trust
Fiona Illif @ZLHRLawyers
Golden : Startups are good at creating content and have a huge audience following them, they must protect themselves by creating networks and synergies #NCC2020#NoneButOurselves
. @Magi_BustopTv : The police doesn't seem to care about credentials
You can move around with your press card and still be arrested #NCC2020#NoneButOurselves
Malaika Mahlatsi : Outsiders do not give solutions, it is the people who liberate themselves, the people know their narrative and situations better #NCC2020#NoneButOurselves
Malaika Mahlatsi : If i were to summarise the Zimbabwean crisis in one word i would say Violence
Violence that is systematic, violence that disenfranchises people in which the embeddedness of @ZANUPF_Official in everything including the judiciary #NCC2020#NoneButOurselves
We are at Harara Magistrate Court waiting for @daddyhope who set to appear in court today on charges of contempt of court and defeating the course of justice #OpenParlyZW
HON. ILLOS NYONI: HON. I. NYONI: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir, for giving me the opportunity to contribute to this very important motion tabled by Hon. Chingosho and seconded by Hon. Chikukwa.
HON. NYONI: The responsibility of DDF - we are all quite aware that it is a maintenance and rehabilitation Department of infrastructure. They are also a water supplier, road services, hire equipment and tillage services.
HON. NYONI: We are quite aware that roads in rural areas are in a dilapidated state, particularly feeder roads used by our rural communities. These roads, of course, are used for transport purposes to transport materials and people.
HON. MUNOCHINZWA: Thank you, Mr Speaker Sir, for giving me the opportunity to add my voice on the motion on debate on the State of the Nation Address by His Excellency the President.
HON. MUNOCHINZWA: First of all, I want to thank my political party, the MDC-T that found it prudent for me to represent Masvingo Province in this august House. I am going to deal first and foremost with the issue of the education sector with special reference to the teachers.
HON. MUNOCHINZWA: I was a teacher for a long time. I appreciate how difficulties it is for one to be a teacher. Mr. Speaker Sir, teachers require decent food for them to be able to perform their duties well. They want to be smartly dressed as this befits their status.