The re-election of Susan Collins and Lindsey Graham to the Senate, and this 👇🏽(h/t @rerutled) is a further reminder of what is at stake post #Election2020
- Whose America is this?
- Who is it for?
With a Supreme Court dominated by conservatives, a Senate that looks like it will continue to have a GOP majority and the GOP also making strides in the House - all during after Pres. Grab Them By The Pussy, pandemic, massive unemployment levels, BLM uprising: what the fuck.
An estimated 68 million American voters chose fascism.
That so many Americans voted for Trump is an indictment of America and a reminder the fuckery of this moment and the magnitude of the work ahead.
What does this mean for Biden should he be declared the winner?
When the GOP win anything, no matter how narrowly, they act like fuck everyone WE OWN THIS!
When the Dems win anything, no matter how narrowly or widely even, they often reach out across aisle than to their own
How do you reach out to 68 million voters who chose fascism with eyes wide open?
How do you do that in a country that REFUSES to acknowledge it is on the threshold of a theocracy? A country that REFUSES to acknowledge that white Christianity is warmly nestled in its politics?
The conservative domination of the Supreme Court in a country where politicians gladly wear their faith openly is a danger that too many Americans REFUSE to acknowledge.
Unless it’s Islam when it’s a danger before it says anything because white and Christian are the default.
So successful has white supremacist patriarchy been at convincing white women/Americans that they’re lucky to live in the U.S. and not Saudi Arabia or Iran, that so many did not pay enough attention to the theocracy that white supremacy was building right here at home.
It was being built by white men who look like their fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons, not the scary brown men with beards, right? The USA needs a reckoning with Christianity and that is unlikely to happen anytime soon…
With Supreme Court dominated by conservatives, GOP majority continues, & GOP also making strides in the House, regardless of who is president, the winner in the US is conservatives who’ve worked since the 1970s for this. Mitch McConnell won.
Trump was their useful idiot.
And you’re not supposed to point out that white America was founded by religious fundamentalists or that the centrality of Christianity (any religion) to politics is dangerous.
It took many Americans long enough to say “authoritarian” of “fascist” during Trump era.
It will be even harder - but much needed especially now with conservative revolution victorious - to get them to acknowledge danger of political Christianity.
I was born in a country and spent my teens in another where religion and politics are easily used to oppress. I know.
Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism-look around the world at US, Poland, Israel,Saudi/Iran,India,Myanmar-where patriarchal authoritarians are fueled by religion.
Pay attention to “culture wars” “social conservativiam”
My concern if Joe Biden wins the presidency is that the white liberals who spent the Trump era crying “This isn’t my America” (sidenote: WHAT FUCKING AMERICA HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING IN?) will now celebrate “My America is back!” and go on amnesia overdrive.…
Those of us who want liberation, remember.
Democrat or Republican, regardless of who occupies the White House, I fight the crimes of white supremacist patriarchy because the presidents never do.
So while of course I want Trump gone, I know much of what brought him will remain and that much of what brought him is this country and the white supremacist patriarchy that is foundational to it, and not only to the GOP.
Trump might be losing, and Biden might win,know this: white supremacist patriarchy is the real winner in America. So let me wreck your party and tell you that even if Trump loses,we are still fucked.
If Biden wins the presidency, white liberals who spent the Trump era crying “This isn’t my America” (sidenote: WHAT FUCKING AMERICA HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING IN?) will now celebrate “My America is back!” and go on amnesia overdrive.
Those of us who want liberation, remember. Democrat or Republican, regardless of who occupies the White House, I fight the crimes of white supremacist patriarchy because the presidents never do.
Unless you are a wealthy, able-bodied, cisgender, heterosexual, conservative white man, voting GOP/Trump means:
-You benefit from proximity to one
-You wish to be one
-You want to have their advantages & to hell w/everyone else
When #ElectionResults2020 are announced, know there are multiple fights still ahead. White supremacy, misogyny, capitalism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism: won’t disappear, regardless of White House occupant for next 4yrs. How I will fight 👇🏽…
My concern if Trump won: more fascism, further unleashed by the I-Don’t-Give-A-Fuck of a victorious incumbent
My concern if Trump lost:
- fascism unleashed by a defeated incumbent and his supporters.
- what to do with his base which will not overnight stop being utter shits
If you are looking for words to express the centrality of white women to the white supremacist patriarchal enterprise in the United States, FEMINIST GIANT has a few essays for you:
Because of massive protests organized by Women’s Strike - the largest protests in #Polamd since the fall of communism - the new restrictions on abortion were delayed…#StrajkKobiet
Enforcers of patriarchal fuckery are a fascist trinity comprised of far-right groups, the police, and the church. The first two worked in unison to block and remove women’s rights protestors who tried to enter churches, the third played the civility card.
Far-right groups have attacked protesters, and government figures stoke the tensions. Ruling far-right party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski Jarosław Kaczyński, told people they should “defend churches” from the protesters after some were defaced. #StrajkKobiet
Whoever is declared #Election2020 winner, there are multiple fights still ahead. White supremacy, misogyny, capitalism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism: won’t disappear, regardless of White House occupant for next 4yrs. This is how I will fight…
I began this long day & will end it with love and solidarity to all in the US and across the world who are impacted by #Election2020.
It is imperative that we pledge allegiance to fighting fascism wherever we are. That we declare our independence from patriarchy wherever we are.
June Jordan keeps aflame the pilot light of revolution in my heart & reminds me of centrality of love in the feminist revolution. Not for my enemies. I’m a menace to them. Love for comrades who flex feminist muscles vs patriarchy, before & after elections…