WORLD #TOILET DAY READING THREAD: It’s the day you’re all waiting for, and it can’t come fast enough, right? #WorldToiletDay.
November 19th is the day we get to celebrate #sanitation and think about how to make it better for everyone and for the planet.
I’m going to tweet out a mix of great books--one per day--with a link to buy them at Spoiler alert: On the last day, I’ll tell you about the book I’ve written, which is coming out in April from @AvidReaderPress.
I’ll also add your #worldtoiletday book recommendations if you tweet them at me with a brief note about why you suggest them.
(Disclosure: supports local bookstores, and I’m an affiliate, so I get a tiny commission if you click through.)
So, with no further adoo-doo, let’s start easy, because the past few days have been A LOT.
Apropos of nothing going on right now, of course...have you ever craved the satisfaction of pooping on a bully’s head? While this book isn’t technically about toilets, I second this cheeky recommendation from @PH2E_UVic for our #WorldToiletDay reading countdown. Thanks, Caetano.
Next, if you feel like it might just be time to disappear underground for a while, page through Stephen Halliday’s richly illustrated history of sewers. The New York Times calls it “absorbing.”…#WorldToiletDay
Oh my! Feeling a bit tingly in my belly right now. That’s why today’s #WorldToiletDay reading suggestion is the surprise bestseller GUT by German physician-scientist @giulia_enders.
Today I’m thinking about great moments in history. And maps. So today’s entry in our #WorldToiletDay reading countdown is THE GHOST MAP by Steven Johnson, about brilliant cholera detective John Snow.