Mind is a falible thing - I almost misattributed the poem to Kabir - had to pause & google to check
Just now went looking to see if I had a thread on [[On Work]], which is probably my [[Thus Far Lifetime Favorite]] poem, and saw that 4.5 years ago I did!
Kabir and Kahlil from totally different parts of the world -- but I read them both for first time in a magnificent Google doc from @MikejNorman, which is where I discovered the overwhelming majority of my favorite poems.
Almost all love poems or poems about God, mostly both.
"On Work" is pretty close to a sacred text for me.
To the point that I once put each line in an Anki Deck to try and commit to memory...
I did not have an Anki routine ahead of time though and forgot I was trying to memorize it before I succeeded, may try again w Roam SRS now.
Dave Chappelle is a Mystic and a man of God.
He walks the path, he quiets the ego, he listens to what the universe tells him and he lets the idea drive.
Sometimes the message is about George Floyd, sometimes it is about Pussy Juice.