The Dial Policy levels for incidence are summarized below. Waiting two weeks or longer to change the Dial does the public a grave disservice.
Using El Paso County as an example, our incidence was in Safer Level 2 from Sep 30-Oct 14; in Safer Level 3 from Oct 15-Nov 1. Yet the "Dial" stayed at Safer Level 1 until a few days ago and now is only on Safer Level 2. We have been in Stay-at-home for incidence since Nov 2.
Because the #FrontRange is connected by the flow of people and goods, none of the urban counties directly connected to I-25 can be adequately protected from COVID-19 unless safety precautions are consistent across the counties.
The above is a screen capture from the Colorado COVID-19 Dial Dashboard view showing the two-week incidence. Red indicates that the incidence qualifies a county for a Stay-at-Home rating. 90% of Colorado's population lives in those red counties.
About 4.8 million people comprising 87% of Colorado’s population live in Larimer, Weld, Boulder, Broomfield, Adams, Denver, Arapahoe, Jefferson, Douglas, El Paso, and Pueblo counties. They're red, baby, and it ain't for Valentine's Day.
A thread about COVID-19, asking young people including US college students to please stay home despite all the temptations and the low mortality rate for young people so far.
One person I know has already died and now at least 4 are sick because of transmission at a duplicate bridge club in my home town. This thread shows data from a study of transmission in a mall in China.
This is from a study published in Emerging Infectious Disease on March 12, 2020. The authors studied a chain of transmission in Wenzhou, China (which is not in the Wuhan quarantine area).