One of the most important and common tricks used by deniers of Covid and man-made climate change is to pick up on a single error made by their opponents and magnify it into a total, all-encompassing "proof" that the deniers are right.
This is called the Fallacy of Composition, when it is falsely reasoned that what is true of the parts of a whole must be true of the whole.…
Deniers use many other techniques. One is an emotional tone of absolute certainty in all their pronouncements on their topic, so that it feels that anyone who disagrees with them is clearly a fool.
Another factor in the success of deniers is their audience's preparedness to believe Government has a plan to bring about total control. This often feeds off powerful narratives conveyed by films like Matrix and V for Vendetta.
So, science denial is a form of social paranoia 4/
So how do we address this denialism?
It's not easy.
First, we need to accept their is a grain of truth in the raindrop of their misunderstandings. People make errors. scientists are people. Scientists make errors. Yes, the Covid graphs were wrong.
Second we need to understand that science creates a coherent picture out of tousands of observations and inferences. It does not rely on a single "proof".
Contrast this with the idealism that underpins the deniers. Their argument runs like this:
"Libertarianism feels absolutely right and good to me.
Man-made climate change, and public health measures to suppress Covid impinge on my liberty.
Therefore I will do all in my power to deny the science of climate and epidemics."
Deniers will fail in the end. Truth is stronger than paranoia and fixed ideas. But deniers, especially if they have access to mass media, are certainly able to delay rational action aimed at dealing with the many problems facing humanity in 2020
#r4today give Sir Rocco Forte a platform to complain about the impact of efforts to curb C19 transmission on his business.
He is not challenged to say what he actually wants, so we have to assume that it is the Let It Rip idea.
So let us explore Forte's plan 1/
The Let it Rip group lost the argument in Cabinet back in February 2020, but did not give up. In fact their policies may have been influencing the implementation of Johnson's C19 response, which would explain his many failures, notably of Test n Trace…
Under Let if Rip, vulnerable people (elderly, hypertensives, smokers, obese, diabetics, cancer patients, etc) just hide away as best they can for the foreseeable future, and others carry on as normal, and the disease spreads rapidly among them without any hindrance.
Humanity is bound together and empowered to collaborate by means of shared belief in a succession of gods.
At present the god is Money, who rules through the Invisible Hand of the Market, and who requires infinite expansion into a finite space.
This is an impossibility
As well as demanding an impossibility, the prevailing religion of Money is causing mass extinctions, and destroying the energy balance of our Earth.
This is the modern equivalent of human sacrifice.
We will eventually, late in the day, reject the dogma of Money and replace it with a reality-based belief.
This will be the understanding that we humans are one part of a vast, intricate ecological web of living things. We will shift towards protecting and healing that web