1/ I went to the eye doctor for a glaucoma checkup earlier this week & took my CO2 monitor with me to see how good the ventilation was there. It's a medical office & a new building (~3 years old), so I expected excellent ventilation. The ventilation was not excellent. #covidco2
2/ Instead, I was appalled to see the CO2 jump from ~500 ppm in my car to 1600+ immediately upon entering the building, which was actually quite empty apart from workers. I only saw one other patient the entire time I was there.
When I went back to an exam room for testing, the CO2 levels got even worse, nearing 2000 ppm. Here's the full day's CO2 levels, including the levels from my HS/MS classroom throughout the school day for comparison. @jljcolorado@CorsIAQ@ShellyMBoulder@jksmith34@Poppendieck
For more details on my classroom CO2 levels, see this previous thread:
All measurements done with an Aranet 4 CO2 monitor, which @jljcolorado tested against professional equipment and confirmed the reliability of. @AranetIoT
Pictured throughout thread are CO2 readings from my classroom Aranet4 CO2 meter. I have two 90-min classes (8:00-9:30, 9:40-11:10) & one 25-min homework/reading period (11:20-11:45) before lunch/prep from 11:50-1:15 & one 95-min class after (1:25-3:00). #covidco2 1/7
Like ~80% of the rooms in my school, mine has no windows, but I'm lucky to have two doors, one opening to the hallway and one to our science lab. #covidco2 2/7
When I can keep both doors open, CO2 usually stays btwn 1000-1200, depending on the size of my class, which varies from 11 to 26.
I have 11 HS students in my AP Physics class & 16-26 6th-graders in my other 5 classes. My room volume is 215 m^3, & area 78.3 m^2. #covidco2 3/7
@j_g_allen Did you actually get to ask this question to Fauci? I would love to hear his answer to this.
I would guess the true answer is that such research, while essential to public health, can't be transformed into corporate profits in any obvious way. It's the same reason... /1
@j_g_allen ...that research on patentable drugs gets funded lavishly while research on behavioral & environmental ways (as well as non-patentable medical remedies) to improve health get virtually no funding. Research comparing the efficacy of expensive new drugs to older, cheap drugs... /2
@j_g_allen ...is vastly underfunded as well because it undermines the profitability of pharma corporations. The underfunding of desperately needed research like your own is a serious problem, but it requires political reform to destroy the overwhelmingly dominant power of... /3