"The election software system in Michigan that switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden is called "Dominion."
It is used in 30 states including:Nevada,Arizona,Minnesota
Michigan,Wisconsin,Georgia, Pennsylvania. @POTUS@FLOTUS@realDonaldTrump@DonaldJTrumpJr@EricTrump.String👇
Every single major swing state. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
CLINTON FOUNDATION HAS TIES TO THE DOMINION PROGRAM. clintonfoundation.org/.../delian-pro…... dominionvoting.com
This is the voting software package that was using in Antrim county Michigan where the tabluation error was made. @PressSec
This company is based in Colorado USA and has a Canada office as well. DOMINION bought DIBOLD after Dibold got in trouble with the DOJ for all kinds of financial violations, plus the owner of Dibold appeared to support vote tampering in favor of republicans. @RudyGiuliani@FBI
Dibold caught and outted publicly - re: the appearance of vote tampering, then slapped with SEC violations, forced to sell-off to Dominion.Cabal got outted, and shifted the tech/code to Dominion, which started altering it in favor of Dems?Sound familiar?@RichardGrenell@WHNSC
In Wisconsin, 49,000 people voted for the Republican House candidates in the voting, but they did NOT vote for Trump. "Meanwhile, 64,000 people voted for Biden and did NOT vote for the Democratic candidate. Also, 14,952 people did NOT vote for the house candidates and only voted
You can only report this theft through software or a firmware
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How did Pinchuk became one of the wealthiest Ukrainian oligarchs? A recently released document can give us an answer. In his “personal recognizance”, dated April 27, 1987, Pinchuk wrote in his own handwriting: @POTUS@realDonaldTrump@FLOTUS@DonaldJTrumpJr@GenFlynn@PressSec 👇
forms and methods of the KGB organs, as well as persons of interest to the KGB organs, which I became aware of, I have undertaken to never disclose to anyone. The written information that I will provide I will sign as Valery.” The same year, Pinchuk was commended on
US Presidential candidate Joseph Biden plays a significant role in the international corruption scandal.Under his auspices, a tariff gas scheme was conducted which made it possible for various politicians and oligarchs to steal 1.5 billion$ from Ukraine.👇 predragpopovic.wordpress.com/2020/09/29/joe…
Pitanje koje trebaju postaviti svi novinari:
Koja firma je radila i instalirala infornacioni sistem? 1. NITES-Bojan Kisić, suprug ministarke pravde Nele Kuburović i brat doktorke Darije Kisić Tepavčević? 2. Asseco SEE-Igor Brnabić, brat predsednice Vlade Srbije Ane Brnabić,
zadužen je u firmi Asseco SEE za Srbiju. Asseco SEE i NITES su 2017. i 2018. sarađivale na projektima za EPS i Ministarstvo finansija, a ta dva ugovora vredna su skoro tri miliona evra. 3. Enetel- Nenada Kovača – Neše Rominga, kuma Nikole Petrovića
4.PROINTER, iza koje stoje Slaviša Kokeza i Sloba Kvrgić. Kokeza je poznat javnosti, a manje poznati Sloba Kvrgić je čovek koji je prodao stan Tamari Vučić u Belvilu od 130 kvadrata za 0 dinara. A Vučić je vlasnik garsonjere pored.
Hilari i Bil su 2016. godine podržani od Srbije Aleksandara Vučića koji je tada govorio: Idem kod Bila i Hilari “Zato što sam pametan. Za razliku od onih koji misle da su mnogo mudri pa će da viknu u srpskim novinama – ua, ti i ti… Šta ćemo da radimo ako pobedi slučajno Hilari”
Postoje neizbrisivi dokazi o brojnim krivičnim delima, a jedan od razloga zbog kojih je FBI ponovo otvorio istragu optužba da je od države Srbije iznuđeno dva miliona dolara kako bi se organizovao sastanak njihovog predsednika sa Barakom Obamom. Taj novac je prebačen @ClintonFdn
SAD su u četvrtak sankcionisale jednog Ukrajinca za koga se smatra da je "agent Rusije", zbog pokušaja da "diskredituje" Džoa Bajdena postupcima koji navodno inkriminišu tog demokratskog predsedničkog protivkandidata Donaldu Trampu na izborima 3. novembra. washingtonpost.com/national-secur…