1/21 Saturday Morning Class #8 Lp(a) and niacin @OxPL_apoB
Basics: What is niacin?. It is vitamin B3 (i.e. essential nutrient) that is precursor of coenzymes NAD+ and NADP+, which shuttle around protons and electrons to mediate redox reactions for fat, carb, protein metabolism
2/21 How does niacin affect the lipid panel: at 2 gram/day: Lp(a) down 25%, LDL-C down 16%, TG down 32%, HDL up 24%. All modest, but going in right direction.
3/21 6 trials done pre 1998, some outcomes, some angiography, all tended to show benefit. Most were combo with clofibrate, colestipol, prava, lova or gemfibrozil. Also other arms with different Rx. However only one with niacin monotherapy - Coronary Drug Project published 1975
4/21 CDP-8,341 men with MI, with TC 250, TG 177. Niacin 1-3g 3 times daily for 6 years, decreased TC 10% and TG 26% and primary endpoint recurrent nonfatal MI by 27% (p<0.004), secondary endpoint (stroke/TIA) by 26%. Number needed to treat 26 to prevent 1 MI (better than PCSK9i)
5/21 At 6 yrs, no effect on total mortality but at 15 yrs a 10.6% reduction was noted (p<0.001). To quote Guyton, “This means that treating 16 men for 6 years prevented 1 death at 15 years”. Of course, this is not primary evidence due to many potential confounders post trial
6/21 Interesting fact: 3 of 6 arms were stopped: estrogen at 5 mg/day for excess nonfatal cardiovascular events; estrogen at 2.5 mg/day for excess thromboembolism and cancer mortality; and dextrothyroxine for excess mortality. Giving estrogen to men = not a good idea...
7/21 2011: AIM-HIGH 3414 pts with CVD, LDL-74, HDL-35, TG-163, Lp(a)~15 mg/dL. Intervention: active control of LDL by simva during trial, 1-2g ext release niacin, 50 mg niacin to placebo: Result; no effect at 36 mo, trial stopped early for futility. Over 20% of pts d/c'd niacin
8/21 HPS2-THRIVE- 25,673 pts on with CVD statin, baseline LDL-64, HDL, 44, TG not given Lp(a) ~31 mg/dL. Intervention: 2 g of extended-release niacin and 40 mg of laropiprant vs placebo daily. Results- at 3.9 yrs no difference in groups.
9/21 More side effects with niacin/laropripant- GI, infection, bleeding, diabetes. Because there is no laropripant arm, we don’t know which drug caused these.
10/21 Question- has there been a study where patients with elevated Lp(a) (>50 mg/dL or >125nmol/L) were randomized to niacin vs placebo for outcomes? Answer is No.
1/21 What is Lp(a) data in these studies: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23973688
In AIM-HIGH Lp(a) 4th quartile (>125 nmol/L or >50 mg/dL), 87% higher risk of events. Niacin decreased Lp(a) by 21% but no benefit. Critique, small number of events (<70 in this group) and short f/u = underpowered
12/21 In HPS2-THRIVE only a subgroup had Lp(a) measured and not evaluated for link to outcomes due to low power.
Finally, what is effect of PCSK9i on Lp(a)- its is widely reported to be 20-30% reduction, but in pts with Lp(a) >50 mg/dL its is only 15%. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30561610
13/21 So, what to do in 2020 with niacin and Lp(a)?
1-Niacin clearly lowers Lp(a) modestly,
2-Niacin lowers Lp(a) more than PCSK9i (25-30% vs 14%) in pts with high Lp(a). Outliers exist either way
3-Primary evidence for outcomes in high Lp(a) is lacking either way
14/21 4- I use it selectively in subjects with prior MI or high risk as the ‘art’ of medicine. Some of my patients have been on it over 30 years, one with homozygous FH and high Lp(a) at 3 grams per day
15/21 - 5- Clearly not an ideal drug- side effects include increasing glucose by 5-10 mg/dL, potential for gout, bleeding, skin disorders and flushing, LFT increases. Patients need careful and frequent monitoring
16/21 6-Prior studies were done with crystalline pure niacin, there is a question whether extended release niacin give same results, as absorption is different and exposure to it is only at night for 8 hrs (vs 3x/day , thus it may not give same benefit
17/21- Clinical pearls:
1-If one uses it, make sure the ingredient is niacin: nicotinamide and niacinamide and inositol hexanicotinate (low flush) don’t lower lipids. Yes they reduce flushing but you are taking an expensive placebo
18/21- 2-If ones sees >40% reduction in Lp(a), check LFTs, several cases I have seen like this the LFTs also increase, so one needs to catch this and reduce dose or stop drug.
3-Tolerance to flushing occurs over 6 months and if pts can make it to 1 yr they usually do well
19/21 Fun fact: A pt told me they used to spike drinks with niacin in 1970s to get a flush effect, LOL
In an ideal world with a specific therapy to lower Lp(a), niacin would be relegated to medical history. Hopefully this will happen by 2025, so getting ready to write obituary
20/21 Q: 5 pts. Choose the incorrect choice:
1-Niacin lowers all lipid parameters
2-Niacin can be associated with significant side effects
3-It is clearly shown that pts with elevated Lp(a) don’t benefit from niacin
4-if LDL<70 and normal Lp(a), niacin = no benefit.
Let’s define what Lp(a) is: 2 major proteins stuck together like conjoined twins, apolipoprotein(a) and apolipoprotein B-100. The ratio of each is 1:1- if you know how much apoB is on Lp(a) then you know how much apo(a) is on it
2/17 ApoB-100 is a lipoprotein, it has a specific folded structure that can allow it to be loaded with lipid molecules, which don’t dissolve in water, so that these can be sent throughout the body for various needs- precursor to hormones, adrenal metabolites, cell membranes, etc.
3/17 Think of apoB-100 as pack mules that can load and offload cargo- VLDL, LDL, IDL, small dense LDL, OxLDL and OxPL
Apo(a) is not lipoprotein, so when its on apoB-100 it sticks out in the liquid phase of blood, think of it like a pool sweeper
When one looks at your lab report, note the LDL-C says “calculated”. So, believe it or not, the most important risk factor for CVD is actually an estimated value. Hard to believe but true. 1/17
Sometimes it says direct LDL, which is an actual measurement. LDL is a complex particle containing apoB, cholesterol, cholesteryl esters, phospholipids and a bit of triglyceride. LDL-C only reflects the total cholesterol in LDL, that is why there is a “C” at end of it. 2/17
LDL particles are made of about 50% cholesterol by mass (i.e. the human body is 60% water). Lp(a) on other hand is 20-45% cholesterol. The gold standard for measuring LDL-C is ultracentrifugation. 3/17
I suspect many of my non-physician followers will be confused, so this needs a response. I think we agree that risk rises with higher Lp(a). I do agree if ones Lp(a) is 50 risk is low. I don't agree that saying a risk of >50 mg/dL is either trivial or a slogan.
I think a 20% higher risk (going from a 10% risk of dying, having a heart attack or stroke) to 8% (over 3 years only like in the trial, not a lifetime of 40-80 years!!) is significant to those whose own Lp(a) is elevated, needed one or more procedures or lost a loved one.
This 20% risk in 3 years in a trial will add up substantially as the years go on and curves will continue to separate relative to low Lp(a) patients. We have to look at lifetime risk, not what risk is in a short term trial. The 10 vs 8% could end up being 50% vs 30% in 20 years.
Its not 50, but (>)50, its like saying LDL >130 is associated with higher risk. Of course, the higher the value the higher the risk. The Novartis trial will use >70 mg/dL, which represents 15% of population at risk, ~1B. Point is no matter what metric you use, it a huge number.
Note also, the >50 mg/dL is in patients on statins, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30293769. In subjects not on statins risk starts at >30 mg/dL (>75 nmol/L) Old papers show this and see most recent Madsen et al in subjects without prior event: ahajournals.org/doi/abs/10.116…
Madsen data: MACE incidence rates per 1000 person-years were 29 for individuals with Lp(a)<10 mg/dL, 35 for 10 to 49 mg/dL, 42 for 50 to 99 mg/dL, and 54 for ≥100 mg/dL. I think above 10-30 mg/dL one can consider risk fairly linear, like LDL-C.
Interesting thread of comments, I would like to make some clarifications, as I see a lot of close but inaccurate numbers being thrown out on the internet. Now that Lp(a) is getting traction clinically, there is a lot of quoting data that is not entirely correct.
1- PCSK9 inhibitors lower Lp(a) 20-30%, but in patients with high Lp(a) (>50 mg/dL), the effect is only 14%. This is the number that should be quoted in this context. See specific paper on this. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30561610
2- ASOs lower Lp(a) >99% depending on the dose. In the phase 3 trial about to start the dose is 80 mg monthly and the mean Lp(a) reduction is expected to be 80% based on phase 2 data. That means some will get 70% reduction and some 90% reduction. No need to get everyone to zero
Sorry for my tardiness, but here is a brief summary of AHA Lp(a) highlights: 1- elevated Lp(a) is associated with reduced overall longevity 2- In Odyssey outcomes, elevated Lp(a) was associated with both peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and deep venous thrombosis (mainly PAD)
This effect seems to be modified by alirocumab and incidence was reduced in this group vs placebo 3- Pts with MD on statins have higher residual risk if Lp(a) is elevated- no surprise 4- ApoE2 genotype, which has weak affinity for LDL receptor is associated with lower Lp(a)
This was known ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28062489, but now linked to lower risk in subjects with FH
5-Elevated Lp(a) is associated with more aortic valve calcium in subjects with FH 6- OxPL, @OxPL_apoB are elevated in patients with elevated Lp(a) and there are differences in racial groups