Steal this simple hack to create irresistible desires for your offers and drive your sales through the roof
Once you implement this simple principle, watch your sales notifications ring like an alarm clock 24/7 nonstop
for a sale to occur, people have to be convinced it’s the right decisions for them isn’t it?
but no one goes about daily with their credit cards in hand ready to buy
so how do you break through this barrier and get people to buy your offers nonstop?
if you stay with me I’d reveal in a minute
but first
let’s use an analogy
how do you feel when you’re convinced within your mind an offer is the best for you?
you become restless and ready to take action isn’t it?
yet when someone forces and tries to convince you to buy, your guards are automatically raised up and he or she is seen as a snake oil salesman
now you might be wondering how this is relevant to making your cash register go blazing
well it is simple
“Help people reach a conclusion”
and have them make up their mind like it was their idea
Hold on
here’s what I mean
this process is called pre-seeding or idea planting
and I must tell you
this is a very powerful technique to transfer belief and break away all objections
here’s why
people are consistent with their thoughts
when we arrive at a conclusion and believe an idea is ours, we automatically become defensive about it
here’s a practical example
Trump rode into power based on just 4 words
yet it was the most powerful preseeding process ever
Make America Great Again
when an American hears this
two things come to mind
America is a Great Nation and those leading before were running it aground so we need to make it great again
The best person to make America Great is the one who has the interest of America at heart and who’s that? Donald Trump
Listen, when you’re crafting your offers and messaging
you want to preseed your ideas in the Subconcious
because that’s the engine room where all actions are taken without thoughts
so stop trying to justify your ideas
instead, attempt to make people reach a conclusion themselves
and watch how you become the preferred option
if you’re a digital product creator and would love to get on strategy session for this to be implemented in your campaigns, click the link below and book a consultation
The Hidden Secrets Your Favorite Guru will NEVER Tell YOU about ECOM you MUST know to SUCCEED
you’ve probably came across those guys who who showed off big revenue numbers, and a month later they disappeared...
There are multiple possible reasons for this happening, but my theory is that some of them have that “100K in 30 days” revenue, but 150K in fulfillment, ad spend and fees.
To avoid crashing into a negative ROI brick wall, you should price your products right from day one!
There are some misconceptions regarding proper product pricing in the early stages for some people, who price the products super low to make sales no matter what - an act that might turn off people who don’t want “cheap” products around them.
-Is your business struggling?
-Are you unable to make sales?
-If you're having issues finding premium clients, then you want to seat back get a pen & jotter.
This thread will show you the ancient secrets of million-dollar brands learned from observing romantic relationships.
Let's start with a little story just so you understand how you can gain the most out of this thread.
Long ago in a city in Greece, there used to be a very beautiful young lady.
In this same city, there were lots of men trying to win her hand in marriage. She was that beautiful
She was so beautiful, everyone wanted her attention but you know.
Only one man could get married to her.
Men would send her lots of gifts just so she could agree to be theirs.
But they were all doing the same thing and it was getting boring to her