NEW - Untested AI software was used to verify mail-in ballot signatures in highly contested localities like Clark County, Nevada. The Silicon Valley firm behind it (called Parascript) boasts close ties to Lockheed Martin & Microsoft
In a recent post the company stated: “No matter which candidate wins the 2020 election, the voting process will have changed forever. AI such as that provided by Parascript will become more commonplace in the never-ending battle to keep our elections safe and secure from fraud.”
Microsoft, partnered w Parascript, is now saying their ElectionGuard software will be used in the 2024 presidential election and presumably all subsequent elections. Good luck ever electing a populist (from the left or the right) if that comes to pass!
Regardless of who you supported this election, the point is that Silicon Valley oligarchs are poised to takeover the US election system. They hate progressives as much as they hate Trump (remember what they did in the Iowa caucus?).
There isn't even an approved COVID-19 vaccine, but Google-owned YouTube will now ban and deplatform those who discuss concerns with any COVID-19 vaccine, including those being developed IN SECRET by Operation Warp Speed (ie the military & big pharma)
YouTube will deplatform you for not trusting corrupt corporations and the US military that are developing a vaccine in secret that is exempt from federal safety regulation, oversight and FOIA requests.
It's vaccines today, could be anything else tomorrow
A UPMC lab with deep ties to the organizers of the Dark Winter bioterror simulation that eerily predicted the 2001 anthrax attacks is currently genetically combining the SARS-CoV-2 (cause of Covid-19) with anthrax.
This is Part 4 of my series on the 2001 anthrax attacks, the current coronavirus crisis and the biotech-industrial complex that arose after 2001. Other parts of the series (which were co-written w @hijodelcuervo ) can be all be found below:
Part 5 of this important series is on the way! To make sure to know when it and any of my upcoming reports are published and to receive them in your inbox, please PLEASE sign up for my mailing list. (scroll to the bottom of my site's homepage)
How convenient that HHS fast tracked the ricin vaccine just a few months ago to add to the Robert Kadlec-controlled strategic national stockpile @FluorescentGrey
THREAD: Alexander's cybersecurity company, IronNet, is responsible for "protecting" key parts of the US power grid and, thanks to Covid, US hospitals (which they "protect for free"). They also claim Iran will imminently attack THESE SAME SERVICES.
IronNet is one of the shady companies with direct ties to US intelligence and intelligence contractors, alongside groups like the CTI League, protecting US healthcare institutions and hospitals -- all "for free."
Instead of the CTI League, IronNet is part of the "Cyber Alliance to Defend Our Healthcare." That "alliance" are all private companies that now "defend" the national health systems and hospitals of numerous countries, including in the UK, Italy & Spain
The “CTI League” has over 1.4k anonymous members, “vetted” only by its 4 founding members, who have ties to Israel’s Unit 8200 and tech giant Microsoft. They are promoted by and partnered w DHS' CISA, now run by former Microsoft executive Chris Krebs
CTI’s mystery members now have access to critical networks of US hospitals, the power grid, even nuclear reactors, the very networks that US and Israeli intel say are about to be targeted by an “Iranian cyberattack.”