And we're finally on item #30, the Shelter-in-Place Rehousing and Site Demobilization Plan (SIP hotel shutdown plan). We'll let you know when public comment starts.

Public comment on item #30:
1 (415) 655-0001
Meeting ID: 146 149 2857 # #
For talking points, check out this article and these notes.…
Let us know if you are willing to read an unhoused neighbor's written public comment!

So far, the presentation is very similar to what was presented to the Local Homeless Coordinating Board on 11/2. Here's the presentation:…
The SIP hotel program has 29 hotels. The shutdown started last week with 3 hotels last week as a pilot to learn. The pilot wrapped up yesterday.

When the week began, @SF_HSH had 45% housing assessments, now 75-85%. They also did 65 matches to housing.
@mentions@SF_HSH is recommending the release of Prop C funds prior to 2021. Here's the timeline.
Representatives from service providers so far unanimously do not support the current shutdown plan.
Thank you to our incredible service providers!

Beth Stokes, Episcopal Community Services of San Francisco
Laura Valdez, Dolores Street Community Services
Christy Saxton, @CHP_SF and Supportive Housing Provider Network
Joe Wilson, Hospitality House and HESPA
A common word that our service providers use to describe this shutdown plan:

And let's talk about the housing fairs.

As Christy points out - service providers were provided less than 24hr notice, no resources, and no hazard pay for staff. There needs to be effective partnership and mutual engagement. Without it, you're putting people lives at risk.
"The takeaway here is we need to stop and rethink this. We need a better plan and more housing to make this successful." - Joe Wilson, ED of Hospitality House and Co-Chair of HESPA
@mentions@HillaryRonen's comments:
-This plan happened quickly & w/out input
-The pandemic is raging
-We don't have enough housing
-Still have people sleeping on the streets
-Presidential election reassures FEMA reimbursement
-Just passed local measures that will provide more revenue
Here is HESPA's powerpoint btw:…
Controller Ben Rosenfield notes that this is a $200M program being supported by a $3M budget. @HillaryRonen replies that the @sfbos isn't being provided enough info about the numbers. It is "irresponsible" & "frustrating" that this is being done to a unanimously passed program.
@mentions@MattHaneySF reminds us of the covid outbreak at congregant shelters and points out the consensus among our service providers that this plan is dangerous.
@mentions@SF_HSH Director Stewart-Kahn keeps reiterating that we need to move quickly and learn along the way.
"We need to do better with our communication with our providers." Ya think?
According to Director Stewart-Kahn, without a deadline in the SIP hotel program, there wasn't a sense of urgency and no motivation to take steps to end homelessness and be rehoused.

This isn't a college midterm. These are people's LIVES.
According to Director Stewart-Kahn, they will be able to move people into other hotels and consolidate hotels.
@mentions@MattHaneySF asks about staff being laid off during the holidays. Stewart-Kahn replies that many service providers said this is okay because they are overstretched. Orgs will have flexibility to add these workers to their existing contracts and SF will help ppl get re-employed.
According to the Controller, if we delay this plan by one month, it will cost us an extra $13.4M by the end of the fiscal year.
FEMA reimburses us for 75% for people over 65yo or with underlying health conditions.
Director Stewart-Kahn confirms that SF will need more employees as more Prop C funding is unlocked and SIP hotel staff will have unique qualifications as candidates for those jobs.
@mentions@shamannwalton reiterates that the @sfbos requested a detailed financial analysis for this meeting and the Controller and @SF_HSH did not provide it.
"You can't put a date on when to remove people from SIP hotels without having a place for them to go." EXACTLY! Thank you @shamannwalton!
Previously, Stewart-Kahn has said people will not go from SIP hotels to congregant shelters.

But now she's mentioning that SF will be reactivating shelters (DURING A SURGE) and navigation centers.
Stewart-Kahn also notes that the SIP hotel shutdown plan is part of the Mayor's Homelessness Recovery Plan. You can review that plan here:…
Stewart-Kahn mentions that some SIP hotel residents don't want or need permanent supportive housing. One woman just wants rent assistance. So you want to kick over 2.5k people out????
"We are not experimenting with people's lives" -from the woman who also said "we need to learn as we go" and called this week a pilot program.
@mentions@shamannwalton asked where exactly people are going. Stewart-Kahn couldn't answer. She says they need to do assessments and then determine what they're eligible for.

But they haven't even assessed everyone...
Our Supervisor @DeanPreston is up now! Dean points out that all the myths and worst fears about this program did not come true. This program was very successful! We are closing a successful program that will be largely reimbursed during a surge and winter.
"It's hard to move on. Change is really difficult." -Stewart-Kahn

This is not a break up. These are people's lives!
@mentions@DeanPreston has Stewart-Kahn clarify that the increase from 45% to 75-85% of housing assessments is limited to the three hotels in the housing fair pilot program.
@mentions@DeanPreston points out that this plan is a harsh way to get people to participate in housing assessments. There's another way!
When @DeanPreston asked who worked on this plan, Stewart-Kahn says HSH needs local control in order to move swiftly. In other words, no one.
@mentions@HospitalityHous's Joe Wilson confirms that they were not consulted. They were informed of the plan via an email on a Friday evening after business hours.
When @DeanPreston asked if HSH consulted the @sfbos of the plan, Stewart-Kahn confirmed that they only announced the plan to the BoS (on 10/23).
@mentions@DeanPreston has Stewart-Kahn confirm that the only factor driving this shutdown plan is fiscal concern. @SF_HSH and the Controller cannot answer the question of what is the cost of the SIP hotel program to-date with expected FEMA reimbursement.
According to the Controller, the budget for the SIP hotel program is $178M for this fiscal year: $114M from FEMA, $61M from other federal/state sources, and $3M from the general fund.

points out that this program only costs SF $3M!
Thank you @DeanPreston for pointing out that we haven't received any indication that FEMA reimbursement is ending and we only have more hope with the recent presidential election!
Get you a Supervisor who can do both. SIP hotels AND permanent supportive housing, that is. Thanks @DeanPreston!
@mentions@AaronPeskin points out that the @sfbos still doesn't have a specific plan with #s to review. Director Stewart-Kahn replies that there 2,300 people in the SIP hotels, 511 people in the first three hotels in the pilot, & 500+ permanent supportive housing units available.
Stewart-Kahn thanks @SupStefani and @MattHaneySF for their service in the SIP hotels.
@mentions@SupStefani wants to know what resources @SF_HSH needs to implement this shutdown plan. Stewart-Kahn replies HSH needs staffing and partnerships with orgs.
We're not here for @SupStefani referring to this plan as "slow" and for her suggestion that some of the staff being laid off might just be do-gooder volunteers who don't need the income.
@mentions@RafaelMandelman thinks it makes sense to start thinking about winding down, but that this is an unanimous program and this pandemic is definitely going into 2021.
@mentions@RafaelMandelman also asks about the common sentiment that safe sleeping sites cost more than the SIP hotels. Stewart-Kahn. Stewart-Kahn points out that size matters (economies of scale) and they have security and building costs.
@mentions@SandraLeeFewer reiterates that HSH still hasn't communicated a comprehensive plan, which suggests there isn't one. She is also disappointed that providers weren't consulted. And we need to talk about lives and invest in something sustainable (e.g. jobs too!).
"We are seeing it as dollars and cents. We're not looking at how to stop the cycle." -@SandraLeeFewer
@mentions@Ahsha_Safai wants to see a more detailed plan on how exactly people will be transitioned out.
@mentions@NormanYeeSF wants a financial analysis that factors in the cost of alternatives to the SIP hotel program.
Public comment is starting now! You will have 1 minute to make a comment. There were 40 listeners and 18 with hands raised when they opened public comment.

1 (415) 655-0001
Meeting ID: 146 149 2857 # #
There are 25 people in the queue.
There are 20 people in the queue.
One of our members just gave a public comment! 🦋
Another CVHA member! Y'all are the best.
That last comment was SO on point. (Comparing the willingness to lay off SIP hotel workers to the refusal to layoff cops as part of #DefundSFPD)
"Human beings are not numbers." SAY IT AGAIN.
"We're just sending the message that you're not welcome here."
14 in the queue.
"Jiminy Cricket, you all don't have souls!" is another top quote of the night.
Site 1 is the only hotel with people under 30. They are medically fragile. Why are they part of phase 1?
14 in the queue.
15 in the queue.
"We have nowhere to go. Speaking for myself, I don't have anywhere to go." -a resident in Site 1, a hotel for people under 30 that will be shutdown by 12/21
6 in the queue.
Go @christinevans!

So many people in the SIP hotels are seniors. They are not moving on to their next job.

Fear and trauma should not be part of this process!
"The goal of this process is to result in stability, not in a return." WHAT THEY SAID.
5 in the queue!
Back to back CVHA members!
"We are in an eviction crisis and public health crisis...We are facing another homelessness crisis on top of a homelessness crisis."
Another CVHA member! (We definitely missed a few throughout this call btw)
Such a good point about the sweeps! Without the SIP hotels, the only options are congregant shelters, which are NOT safe for covid. So sweeps are sweeps - they cruelly shuffle people around.
HOUSING IS A FORM OF HEALTHCARE. How many times does it need to be said? #HotelsNotHospitals
It is not okay that there isn't a translator for this entire hearing. We expect #LanguageJustice.
4 in the queue.
This commenter is giving us words! We also have witnessed the City's "cruel and extremely erratic behavior" during every step of its covid response towards homelessness.
Another CVHA member!
Public comment is now closed! Thank you to everyone for such powerful words and solidarity. NOT ON OUR WATCH! And thank you to all the orgs who organized and are organizing while also doing the work.

Also, shoutout to all our members who showed up. You rock! 🦋
The @sfbos will reconvene about the SIP hotel shutdown plan on 12/1. See you there!
2 hours of presentations/Supervisor questions and 1 hour of public comment later...

Sending so much love and support to our unhoused neighbors, service providers, and the SIP hotel residents and workers. We know this hurts. We are with you and we will fight! 🧡🦋

• • •

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More from @CVH_Allies

10 Nov
Anyone else feeling a little overwhelmed by this week? Here is a thread of action items, hearings, meetings, etc. to help keep y'all on top of it!
Tuesday, 11/10 at 3pm

Make a public comment at the @sfbos hearing about the SIP hotel shutdown plan

Friday, 11/13 at noon

Attend @TheCoalitionSF's meeting about how to fight the City's SIP hotel shutdown plan. Email us at for the info.
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