Note how 30% of Karabakh proper is now occupied by Azerbaijan, including Shusha, which commands the valleys. Nakhchivan corridor is now possible as Zangilan area also under Azerbaijani control
Would Azerbaijan want to control Stepanakert at this time? Not really. Better let the Russians do it. It won’t be easy... if sustainable at all
I quite agree with the notion of structural racism, to unending shock from my conservative friends. This is a good example. Power would lose her whole way of looking at the world without the framework of undeveloped countries in Africa and Asia. Her mental world would collapse
Structurally, Samantha Power is a racist. Emotionally she is not. So the concept is useful
Very odd speech. There was even some suggestion of saving face in case of defeat (“we were about to win and then”), then “we will win” and finally “we have won”. Legally Trump very sloppy. Asking SCOTUS not only not to count mail in but apparently not to count large cities?!
I would say maybe numbers in PA, MI, WI not as good as he wanted
Listened again. Trump complains about two different things. That vote was stopped (it is strange that it did in Milwaukee or Detroit) and second that mail-in votes will be manipulated
So let us see. The oped said no woman with a headscarf had ever conducted a terrorist attack in France. Since this was at one point corrected I take it that is incorrect and a woman with a headscarf as indeed been involved in an attack.
Will not waste time googling because every intelligent reader can understand the sentence. How I originally read it: wearing a headscarf does not make you a terrorist so why ban headscarves in order to fight terrorism? Childish and absurd as a policy
If you want the sentence to be more perspicuous, well, you have editors for that, no? And if the editor screwed up, you correct it, write a better sentence, add a note. Do you take down and censure a text making a valuable and critically important point? Really?
Good text on a political mystery: why did Macron stop speaking of communitarianism, replacing it with separatism - and why that is dangerous…
Seems to have started in January in this interview: “Il faut accepter qu’il y a, dans notre République aujourd’hui, ce que j’appellerais un séparatisme”…
How old is the term in French political discourse? Le terme daterait de 1939 et a été utilisé pour cibler les communistes français qui voulaient promouvoir les intérêts de l’URSS