.@maricopacounty Board of Supervisors vote for $6.1M allocation of funds to Dominion Jun 26 '19 had no consideration of a technical review and no discussion
From May 20 '19 MC Election Workgroup request, RFP was completed & negotiated very quickly in about a month #SecureTheVote
Several other Secretary of State Depts do have technical review formal test docs of Dominion published
➡️PA 107pg report Jan '19
➡️CO 30pg Aug '19
➡️GA 27pg Aug '19
➡️TX reports Feb, Jun, Nov '19
*TX denied cert for security USB issues, ballot secrecy, accurate operation
2020 is 3rd election cycle in a row where voter confidence is eroded
@SecretaryHobbs/@MaricopaVote should publish AZ tech review docs, conduct statistically significant hand count & conduct an audit of adjudication
Arizona taxpayers spend a significant amount of our hard earned money on elections
The Arizona statutes do not require sufficient transparency and accountability which erodes public confidence
It's disappointing Hobbs is so combative towards her constituents
It should also be noted, the @maricopacounty contract with Dominion includes a pilot period which ended in Dec '19
No concluding tech reports of the pilot are publicly available for review
I encourage @MaricopaVote to create a public records site to restore public confidence
Pictured below are the open USB ports on the @MaricopaVote DOMINION voting machines that Texas warned about and ultimately failed DOMINION's certification over
2nd pic are the conclusions on security risks from Texas' 2019 reports
Remember in 2022 when the nearly 70% of voting centers in Maricopa County failed on Election Day causing massive long lines and voter disenfranchisement resulting in @KariLake and @AbrahamHamadeh barely losing?
Maricopa County knew in advance their Election Day plan was set up for failure, and THEY LET IT FAIL!
Several days ahead of Election Day, the Maricopa County GOP leadership warned Maricopa County that their Election Day plan would fail and disenfranchise voters
The Maricopa County BOS Election Director Scott Jarrett insisted everything would be fine saying he was "confident."
Maricopa County insisted that they had sufficient toner and described being "prepared" for Election Day
Fontes won't give the Recorders the list of 218k voters even though MVD already flagged them, causing chaos for voters and election workers!
There are two major issues voters are being rejected from voting:
◾Voters on the 218k "glitch" list who have since updated their voter registration record are flagged by MVD as needing proof of citizenship. When the voter shows up to vote, they are denied from voting and have to come back with proof of citizenship
◾The voters who USPS said they couldn't deliver mail for various reasons are also being required to provide proof of citizenship to be reactivated due to bad guidance from AZSOS
Voters shouldn't be denied voting in either of these situations.
Keep reading for solutions.
Go to my.arizona.vote or beballotready.vote and check your voter registration status. If it says not found or inactive, prepare to bring the following with you when you go vote:
◾Proof of Citizenship - (i.e. Passport or birth certificate, etc)
◾Two documents proving your address, such as a bank statement and utility bills
See question #2 here: elections.maricopa.gov/voting/id-at-t…
2) If my.arizona.vote doesn't provide you with your voter record or says it's inactive, complete an election incident report here so we can track it and help you get support:
🚨BREAKING: Strong Communities Foundation () and @cahillaz file an Amicus brief in Richer v Fontes thanks to @America1stLegal and @JenWEsq
RE: 97,688 Arizona voters not having proof of citizenship on record per an MVD "glitch"
We argue that the AZ Supreme Court should reject the extreme proposals offered by the parties and take a more measured approach that ensures no legal citizens are disenfranchised while preventing non-citizens from accessing a ballot
We ask the AZ Supreme Court to provide full ballots to the voters in question with guardrails in place to protect the sanctity of all AZ voters
☑️If is a voter is found to be a citizen, their full ballot vote should count
☑️If a voter is found to not be a citizen, their ballot should not be counted
☑️If a voter's citizenship status cannot be validated while they have attested to be a citizen, they should have their ballot duplicated onto a Federal ballot
We ask the Court to order 5 specific remedies utilizing various databases at the disposal of @AZSecretary and the Recorders to ensure only legal citizens are voting in our elections
Want to know why the mainstream media always bows down to Maricopa County and is complicit with their lies and misinformation?
... Besides so many MSM entities being corrupt hacks...
Maricopa County threatens them when they don't fall in line. See @azfamily ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
In Dec. 2021 when @azfamily had Senate President @fannkfann and @rickgray on to give an update on the AZ Senate Audit, Maricopa County sent their News Director a threatening demand letter
The letter demanded they change their story to reflect only Maricopa County's talking points
They demanded air time and propaganda be inserted in all of the future programming of the shows the interview with @fannkfann appeared
What did the "fourth branch of government" @azfamily do?
Well, naturally, they bent the knee -- because who needs media that actually is journalism
💥"THE FIRST AMENDMENT is the Biggest Threat to Democracy and Elections"💥
Many have seen the article by @azfreenews on Stephen using government resources to have staff compile news on his "personal" defamation lawsuit, but not everyone saw in the article that he tried to get published by @nro, but it was TOO EXTREME for even them
In August of 2021, Jack Butler, the Submissions Editor at National Review, reached out to Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, asking if he would like to place another op-ed in @NRO
Stephen offered to write a piece making the case that the "Stop the Steal" movement is "anti-conservative"
But on Sept. 23rd, 2021, Recorder Stephen Richer presented a very different op-ed & copied one of his staff on the email
Stephen said, "Not the article I promised, but what do you think about this one"
When I went to your office today and was denied seeing my voter registration record, for good measure, I asked what my Party designation currently was in the system, and I was told by your staff my voter registration record said I was registered as REPUBLICAN PARTY
Now, I checked just for good measure, and my address and Party were changed without my consent or knowledge per the AZSOS site!!!!
I didn't register any vehicles or pets or make any changes!!!! I check my status on your website frequently and up until today, my address and Party were correct!!!!
How did this happen!!!! Where did this address and Party come from!!!!!
Your voter dashboard has my record locked!
Waiting on a PRR response is not acceptable!
@stephen_richer The MVD says my address hasn't been updated since September 14th, 2018
If you missed the post on what happened at the Recorder's Office today, here's the video: