Merissa Hamilton 🗳 ⛽ 🗽🔥 Profile picture
Making civic action easy as Pie🥧. The Marxists say I exhaust them🎯. @nero says he's going to ruin my year🤣 #1A #2a 🗽 LIVE FREE OR DIE 🐍(& FIRE TYRANTS) 👑
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Feb 25 7 tweets 3 min read

Remember in 2022 when the nearly 70% of voting centers in Maricopa County failed on Election Day causing massive long lines and voter disenfranchisement resulting in @KariLake and @AbrahamHamadeh barely losing?

Maricopa County knew in advance their Election Day plan was set up for failure, and THEY LET IT FAIL!Image Several days ahead of Election Day, the Maricopa County GOP leadership warned Maricopa County that their Election Day plan would fail and disenfranchise voters

The Maricopa County BOS Election Director Scott Jarrett insisted everything would be fine saying he was "confident." Image
Nov 2, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read

Fontes won't give the Recorders the list of 218k voters even though MVD already flagged them, causing chaos for voters and election workers!

There are two major issues voters are being rejected from voting:
◾Voters on the 218k "glitch" list who have since updated their voter registration record are flagged by MVD as needing proof of citizenship. When the voter shows up to vote, they are denied from voting and have to come back with proof of citizenship
◾The voters who USPS said they couldn't deliver mail for various reasons are also being required to provide proof of citizenship to be reactivated due to bad guidance from AZSOS

Voters shouldn't be denied voting in either of these situations.


Go to or and check your voter registration status. If it says not found or inactive, prepare to bring the following with you when you go vote:
◾Proof of Citizenship - (i.e. Passport or birth certificate, etc)
◾Two documents proving your address, such as a bank statement and utility bills
See question #2 here:…
Sep 19, 2024 9 tweets 5 min read
🚨BREAKING: Strong Communities Foundation () and @cahillaz file an Amicus brief in Richer v Fontes thanks to @America1stLegal and @JenWEsq

RE: 97,688 Arizona voters not having proof of citizenship on record per an MVD "glitch"

We argue that the AZ Supreme Court should reject the extreme proposals offered by the parties and take a more measured approach that ensures no legal citizens are disenfranchised while preventing non-citizens from accessing a ballot

Filing:…Image We ask the AZ Supreme Court to provide full ballots to the voters in question with guardrails in place to protect the sanctity of all AZ voters

☑️If is a voter is found to be a citizen, their full ballot vote should count

☑️If a voter is found to not be a citizen, their ballot should not be counted

☑️If a voter's citizenship status cannot be validated while they have attested to be a citizen, they should have their ballot duplicated onto a Federal ballotImage
Jun 25, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read

Want to know why the mainstream media always bows down to Maricopa County and is complicit with their lies and misinformation?

... Besides so many MSM entities being corrupt hacks...

Maricopa County threatens them when they don't fall in line. See @azfamily ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️Image In Dec. 2021 when @azfamily had Senate President @fannkfann and @rickgray on to give an update on the AZ Senate Audit, Maricopa County sent their News Director a threatening demand letter

The letter demanded they change their story to reflect only Maricopa County's talking points

They demanded air time and propaganda be inserted in all of the future programming of the shows the interview with @fannkfann appearedImage
Mar 30, 2024 23 tweets 12 min read

💥"THE FIRST AMENDMENT is the Biggest Threat to Democracy and Elections"💥

Many have seen the article by @azfreenews on Stephen using government resources to have staff compile news on his "personal" defamation lawsuit, but not everyone saw in the article that he tried to get published by @nro, but it was TOO EXTREME for even them


Let's break it down, shall we!

Article:…Image In August of 2021, Jack Butler, the Submissions Editor at National Review, reached out to Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, asking if he would like to place another op-ed in @NRO

Stephen offered to write a piece making the case that the "Stop the Steal" movement is "anti-conservative"Image
Feb 21, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read

WHAT IS GOING ON, @stephen_richer!!!!

When I went to your office today and was denied seeing my voter registration record, for good measure, I asked what my Party designation currently was in the system, and I was told by your staff my voter registration record said I was registered as REPUBLICAN PARTY

Now, I checked just for good measure, and my address and Party were changed without my consent or knowledge per the AZSOS site!!!!

I didn't register any vehicles or pets or make any changes!!!! I check my status on your website frequently and up until today, my address and Party were correct!!!!

How did this happen!!!! Where did this address and Party come from!!!!!

Your voter dashboard has my record locked!

Waiting on a PRR response is not acceptable!Image
@stephen_richer The MVD says my address hasn't been updated since September 14th, 2018

Feb 17, 2024 27 tweets 13 min read

🚨The great, the good, the bad, and the ugly

Before we get into the bill, it’s important to understand the current situation with election manipulation by the government, their association entities, and the radical left non-profit sector.

See a clip from the latest video from @TuckerCarlson and former State Dept @MikeBenzCyber, currently @FFO_Freedom

He explains that the target by operatives in the government, election administration leadership, and the Marxist radical left infrastructure are the following areas of election operations:
◾️Early Mail-in Ballots
◾️Early Voting Drop Boxes
◾️Ballot Tabulation Issues on Election Day


He also suggests that 7 months before the 2020 election, the government knew the outcome of the Presidential election 🤯 Mike’s response when Tucker asked if that is what he was suggesting was, “It looks very bad.”

We in Arizona have always suspected concerns with the manipulations we have seen and the response by Maricopa County Supervisors and Recorder Richer, but we never had someone who was in a position of authority in the government and had first-hand knowledge of what occurred.

I encourage you to watch the full interview here: It's also important to note that to get the bill passed with the needed emergency clause margin, legislators were told three BIG lies by House leadership:
◾️They were told that the language to ensure the candidate signature deadline was staying April 8th was added to the bill — this never happened and those in charge knew this bill would change the date to April 1st, causing grassroots candidates to lose a week
◾️The ballot harvesting loopholes were closed -- they weren't and in fact made bigger in the final language
◾️Grassroots leaders, including myself and @JenWEsq were on board with the bill when the vote happened -- we weren't because we were lied to about the amendments and were prohibited from seeing the language

HB2785 does indeed have important reforms to help move the needle to secure our elections, but that still leaves the questions ...

Why the backroom deals, as proudly described by Rep. @realAlexKolodin, the manipulations in Katie Hobbs' fake-being opposed to the bill, the coverup, the blocking of amendments to close Marxist-laid loopholes, allowing fmr Marc Elias staff to add more muddied language to the bill last minute, blocking the legislators from reading the final bill, rushing the vote, and pretending like everything is fine afterward?

Is this really a grassroots victory?
Feb 6, 2024 24 tweets 15 min read

The BIG EMERGENCY Election mirror bills are out, and there's a lot to cover

Please stick with this thread and read to the end as it's CRITICAL YOU CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATORS!

👉👉These bills are being heard in a joint hearing tomorrow at 9 am in Senate Room SHR1. We need you to show up!!!!

I am not a fan of these rushed bills as they never get sufficient stakeholder review, which is why this thread is necessary!!!

(Signature verification is included in the bill, but there's a 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩that disenfranchises vulnerable voters and leaves a MACK TRUCK🚛 size gap for REALLY BAD THINGS TO HAPPEN)

GOVERNMENT GOES TO THOSE WHO SHOW UP, and there are lots of ways to participate including⬇️

▪️ RTS to 👍👎 the bills -- I am a THUMBS DOWN until major amendments are made. You can also add your comments to the Committee since the bills are now added to an agenda. (go to for tips on this)

▪️ Email and Call your legislators - Go to the back pages of the calendar if you have it .... OR Go and click on the House/ Senate and members or see

▪️ Tweet to your legislators - Go to the back pages of the calendar if you have it for all of the

With these bills having an emergency clause, it requires a 2/3rds YES vote to pass and take immediate effect. That means 40 Legislators in the House and 20 in the Senate.

It’s worth it to take the time to make your voice heard to your representatives.

This bill is a BIG DEAL and has PERMANENT RAMIFICATIONS for years to come!

Let's begin with the TOP concerns ... Keep Reading....Image
Sep 27, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read

@MARICOPAVOTE just testified that MVD has an innocuous OPT-OUT option on their website which is causing @katiehobbs government to change the county or party of how someone registered to vote without clear CONSENT when registering vehicles or homes

THIS IS VOTER SUPPRESSION It sounds like this policy is a legacy policy from the previous administration which caused the many provisional ballots to be rejected that changed the outcome of @AbrahamHamadeh and @KariLake's case
Aug 15, 2023 26 tweets 5 min read

The Election Procedures Manual interprets Arizona's election laws for the Counties and their Recorders. Secretary Adrian Fontes just released his draft. He reduced public participation by 75%, so we only have TODAY to send our comments.

Image Thanks to over 100 AMAZING volunteers, we've found 355+ issues we need to report back to be changed before it's finalized!

It's so bad @AZSenateGOP already published that they will sue @AZSecretary if he doesn't fix some major issues he added to it which will trample elections. Image
Jun 24, 2023 22 tweets 6 min read
Oh, what's this?

It's not a report written by @KariLake's attorneys

It's @stephen_richer's 2019 "election denier" report claiming Maricopa County disenfranchised 270k voters and the declared winners switched in the middle of the night

He used this report to launch his campaign

Similar to the statements @stephen_richer is suing @KariLake over, @stephen_richer claims in his report that machines went down creating long lines and allowing for ballot harvesting
May 19, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I am at the @AZSecretary
Certification Advisory Board observing Dominion

Watch online here:… Image Observer for @AZGOP

Dominion system 5.17
May 8, 2023 17 tweets 5 min read
.@katiehobbs announces a travel agency service for illegal immigrants -- What could go wrong! Image Her law enforcement spokespeople say it's a humanitarian issue ONLY 🤦🏻‍♀️
Dec 20, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
BREAKING: @maricopacounty didn't reconcile checkins/ballots against voting center PBR chain of custody docs resulting in +17,491 gap in election day ballots (@KariLake only lost by 17,117 votes)

Election certified in violation of audit requirements in Election Procedures Manual @maricopacounty @KariLake Per the Election Procedures Manual, Maricopa County is supposed to reconcile the Official Ballot Reports and the voter checkins

However, we know their ballot report called the PBR doesn't keep track of checkins
Nov 13, 2022 22 tweets 6 min read

I spent all evening and a little bit of time this morning reading through the Poll Worker Training Manual and asking questions to people that worked in these positions and comparing that to info from @stephen_richer @billgatesaz The Election Day processes do not seem to have any checks and balances to prevent what happened on Election Day from happening again

In fact, I suspect it's worse than they are letting on and that's why they refuse to be transparent

Here are a few observations ⬇️
Nov 13, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read

The lack of chain of custody with our election process is disturbing

When a ballot is printed at the voting center on election day a control slip is printed with it that has the voter's name, address, BOD code and a barcode

CONTD ⬇️ The control slips go into the Red Transport Box but there is no accounting of how many control slips go in the box

Nor is there a place to list the number of control slips or the number of voters that check in on the PBR

Nov 13, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read

Did you know the Maricopa County Poll Worker Training Manual instructs the worker on misread ballots to spoil the ballot and let the voter CHECK-IN again

But there's no place to note in any system that the voter's ballot was indeed spoiled

CONTD⬇️ Voting centers are much larger locations than precinct voting locations and the workers running the tabulators wouldn't be able to directly communicating with the people running the SiteBook

Since the Precinct Ballot Report doesn't require the number of voter checkins
Nov 12, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
This is EXACTLY when @billgatesaz @stephen_richer stole our votes⬇️

The voters that listened to them lost their right to vote because when you check-in the computer system marks that you voted even if you didn't give them a ballot

They stole these votes! . @maricopacounty won't tell us which voting locations had these issues

We know it was over 30% which means about 18% of election day votes in Arizona were impacted
Nov 10, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
How It Started | How It's Going 🙌🎤🥳🗽🇺🇸 ImageImage For background
Mar 31, 2022 15 tweets 10 min read

A little less than a year ago, a small group of grassroots voters were upset LD28 was flipped Blue by a never-trumper Board that was more committed to silencing their grassroots PCs than winning elections We were told how the current chairman would ask voters registered in the D party to switch to R and become PCs to block out people that actually wanted to work hard, knock on doors, make phone calls, and keep AZ free
Mar 30, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
Let's get a pro-public safety candidate on the ballot TODAY!

If you live in @maricopacounty, please go to EZAZ.ORG/candidatesurve… and make a candidate selection by signing their online petition Image Learn more about @AnniLFoster and sign her candidate petition here ⬇️ Image