Embody Divinity~Twin Flames Holding Space with Unconditional Love..
You have been "awakened and aware" that you are a twin flame, that you are so intimately connected with another person that there is no denial and no escape.
You submit, you surrender to the inevitable realization that you must walk through the fire to get to the other side. You do your inner work, smoothing out the kinks and cramps of old, outdated non-loving patterns, catching your triggers and diligently, mindfully working through
responding to outer and inner conflict with love and forgiveness, compassion and empathy. You find all of your fears and face them head-on, stepping into the fire and walking through the pain, discovering that each test tempers your strength further.
Many "awakened" Twin Flames continue to wonder about the timeline of their physical union with their divine counterpart, about the direction and installation of their "mission." You know (and may have known for years now) that you have work to do,
9D ArcturianCouncil -“We are already convinced of your worthiness as individuals and as a collective. We know that in all of your lifetimes put together there on Earth, you have done good deeds. You have attained levels of spiritual mastery, and you have noticed the flow..
of Source Energy coming to you and moving through you to others, or at least one other. Therefore, you have nothing left to prove to us, to yourselves, or to anyone.
Those of you who are playing the role of the lightbearers in this lifetime have played the role of one in the dark, and those who are on the darker side of the spectrum have in other lifetimes been on the lighter side of the spectrum. Therefore, the only thing that is missing,
“We are the Spirit of Bear. We seek balance and harmony upon our world, your world. We are mighty warriors, energy balancers. We eat what needs to be eaten. We balance the chain. We prefer fresh fruits, berries and honey. Not always are our preferences available.
(I am seeing fires). We have been affected by these fires. Many more of us have chosen to travel energetically inward into Gaia’s belly where we seek a peaceful existence. As the outer balances and rises the animals shall feel safer and act with more trust towards the humans.
The awakened humans will lead this. Their energies will make us feel safe. Safety. Wisdom. We seek this. We listen to our planetary mother, Gaia. We feel her energies as we walk. We communicate with her fields. We see that which you do not, yet. We see the balance..
Yeshi~Your awakening is happening now, and consequently all that is not in alignment with Reality, with Love, to which humanity has been clinging in fear, and then expressing in anger, judgment, and condemnation of one or many others, is arising in the collective consciousness..
to be acknowledged, thanked for the lessons with which it has presented you, forgiven for the suffering it has caused you, and released, thus making an enormous amount of ‘space’ available in the collective dream/nightmare for Love to flow in and awaken you into the Joy that is..
Life, that is Reality.
So, to reiterate, yet again, you are divine beings, always infinitely and eternally loved by God, having a brief and unreal experience as a human in form. So, to reiterate, yet again, you are divine beings, always infinitely and eternally loved by God,
Saint Germain: “That is what this is all about. That is what we have been preparing you for. For you to take over. For you to become the ones that you have been waiting for. And that is what we are attempting to bring you to understand. We, being all of those that are working..
with this group, all of us are attempting to reach you in various ways so that you are ready to step forward. And yes, Moses, you once said, “we have our marching orders.” you have your marching orders once again. And we hope and ask for you to step forward with those orders.
Not orders in a sense that you have to obey. Certainly it is never going to be like that. No one can force you to anything, nor would we ever attempt to do so. We encourage. We nudge. And that is what Saint Germain was doing: encouraging you, nudging you.
My fav Saint Germain😉”But the truth is also coming. The truth that will indeed set you free, just as we have been saying. Not only for this lifetime that you are in, but for many lifetimes, now. It is destined for the truth to be revealed. All you need to do is be open to it.
It is all coming forward. The truth is coming forward as a disclosure. We have not only spoken of disclosure and that of the Galactics, we have been speaking of disclosure as the truth in general coming forward to be revealed from many different sources, different directions.
And that is what is happening now, as freedom is at stake, here. Freedom. Your own freedom. Freedom not here just in this country, though, but in the entire planet. The world must be free, and shall be free. Free of the dark forces.