NEW: President Trump continues to refuse to cede the election. His national security adviser Robert O’Brien is enabling the mayhem, four senior officials told The Daily Beast.
Sources say O’Brien has pushed national security officials to publicly embrace the absurd Trump message that the election has not been certified and that there are still legal battles playing out across the country that could turn in the president’s favor
“If you even mention Biden’s name … that’s a no go. You’d be fired,” one national security official said. “Everyone is scared of even talking about the chance of working with the [Biden] transition.”
One former senior national security official said O’Brien is known among his staff as a yes man.
“He does whatever Trump says,” one current national security official said.
It’s getting harder to find the heavy hitter who will tell Trump to concede.
“It's like dealing with a lunatic on the subway,” a GOP source told The Daily Beast.
NEW: On Friday, the remnants of Trump’s failed re-election campaign informed staff that they were putting an end to “voter fraud” hotline duty. It meant the death of a workspace that one senior campaign official described simply as “the room from hell.”
According to three sources, the hotline was inundated by crank callers impersonating public figures, anti-Trump callers launching into vulgarity-laden tirades, pranksters making sounds of flatulence, and others issuing threats at Trump 2020 staffers
For every three or four hours of threats and pranking endured, staff estimated that they’d get roughly one caller with an earnest, maybe-promising tip. Staff would often leave looking visibly upset, worn out, and feeling undervalued.
A coup would require military support and that ain’t happening, explains @TheRickWilson in a way only he can:
“They may be telling him that [they are], but it is the fake orgasm of coups. They're making noises that sound real, but it's not real.”
But the reality of a coup hasn’t stopped Team Trump from soliciting donations for voter fraud lawsuits.
“If you wrote this in a Hollywood script about a family of presidential grifters, it would be too on the nose,” adds @TheRickWilson.
Last time around, there was so much talk about those damn emails. “Hillary went from up 11... and then in the very last NBC poll, she was up 4 points, with 16% undecided,” recalls @amyewalter.
NEW: For over a year, members of the “Boogaloo” movement planned for insurrectionary violence in a private chat. Thousands of messages were released by the nonprofit media collective Unicorn Riot, revealing the makings of the far-right Boogaloo scene.
Members of the movement have a fixation on fighting, or inciting, a second civil war called the “Boogaloo.”
Leaked Discord chats show members actively encouraging violence–even against civilians, and particularly, leftists.
Despite the movement's hatred for law enforcement and federal agents, many are soldiers themselves. Some members indicated that their participation in the violent movement could lose them their jobs in the law enforcement, military, or intelligence sector.
EXCLUSIVE: Rudy Giuliani vents to Trump that Bill Barr is screwing up his Hunter Biden play
Instead of conceding that the broader public might not be interested in the story, Trump and Giuliani have instead put the blame for the failure to break through in part on Attorney General William Barr
Trump and Giuliani discussed their mutual frustrations with the lack of action from Barr and FBI Director Chris Wray saying that the emails and Hunter files have provided legal ammunition to probe the Bidens, the person close to Giuliani said