In 2016, Julian Assange sent this message to Donald Trump Jr:
"Hi Don if your father 'loses' we think it is much more interesting if he DOES NOT conceed [sic] and spends time CHALLENGING the media and other types of rigging that occurred-- as he has implied that he might do."
"He is also much more likely to keep his base alive and energised [sic] this way and if he is going to start a new network, showing how corrupt the old ones are is helpful.", continued Wikileaks
"The discussion can be transformative as it exposes media corruption, primary corruption, PAC corruption, etc."
Excellent news: Moderna's Covid-19 vaccine is almost 95% effective, according to preliminary data. That means two vaccines are on track for an early 2021 rollout.
Moderna also announced that its vaccine can be stored at 2-8C (normal refrigerator temperature) for 30 days. The Pfizer vaccine required special hyper-low temperatures.
Both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines use the same approach (mRNA)
Online MAGA and QAnon spaces aren't sad right now. They aren't angry. They're jubilant. They think they won the election.
Hang out in Trumpist forums and they're excited. Any day now, Trump will be announced as the winner, all the Libs will cry, riot and whine, and MAGA will rule.
The lightest version of this is the Trumpers who are convinced that SCOTUS is about to order "illegal votes" thrown out and toss the race to Trump in swing states.
The US Supreme Court is not going to overturn the election result.
Biden'ss ahead in states worth 306 electoral votes. In all likelihood, Trump would have to win multiple different cases about different states.
Winning isn't enough for Trump, though. Many of the claims the Trump Campaign is making are fairly minimal, eg claiming observers at the count in Pennsylvania should have been allowed to stand closer.
I just discovered the Electoral College doesn't even meet in person! This is clearly a bullshit system.
If you're going to have an Electoral College, have a damned Electoral College! Fly in the Electors. Let it meet in style in, like, the House Chamber.
Let that dude who announces the President at the State of the Union also announce the Electoral College is in session. Or the Oyez dude from the Supreme Court
Let's talk about this screenshot which Trump claims shows fraud, and explain why it's nonsense. 1/
So, Trump and the Trumpist media points to these screenshots. On the first one, Trump has 2,200,902 votes and Biden has 1,992,356. In the second shot, Biden has shot up to 2,130,695 but Trump and all the other candidates stay the same. Suspicious, no? 2/
Well, no. It's not. First, this is NOT an official map from the State of Michigan's electoral board. It's made by a media outlet, @DecisionDeskHQ. You can see it here: