1. Klaus Martin Schwab (born 30 March 1938 in Ravensburg, Germany) is a German engineer and economist best known as the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum. weforum.org/agenda/2020/07β¦
7. Covid Vaccines, Microchips, Transhumanism, Mind Control, Downloading to and from the Brain to external sources,...ππ merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Intβ¦
25. 'The story of five decades of the World Economic Forum, as seen through the eyes of its members, leaders and the outside world.' weforum.org/about/history/
YouGov (polls showing public favor lockdown) has Blackrock as a key shareholder. Astrazeneca (covid vaccine maker) has Blackrock Investment Management UK Ltd and Blackrock Fund Advisors as key shareholders. #TheMoreYouKnow