Today was a massive mover in GEX readings across the board. Let's explore some in a thread:
All indexes erased some of the most bullish dealer positioning of the year (as of yesterday) completely off the board and all are now negative or neutral! 🤯
$GDX is in real trouble - GEX is very negative and selling into weakness will persist
$SLV is holding onto the positive reading by a thread here
$GLD is also holding onto the positive reading by a thread here
3/ $TLT
20 year bonds are on the rally - pretty close to busting up and over to a positive GEX and definitely neutral now @hereforthefin
4/ $UUP
$USD bullish ETF is looking like $25.50 will turn it into a positive GEX situation and $26.50 is the major resistance (tallest bar)
$XLF - banks still holding positive but want to hold $26.50 and must hold $25.50 @hereforthefin@CryptikCo
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This Friday is Options Expiration (referred to as OPEX). This is also the quarterly OPEX which is called 'QUAD WITCH'. It can and usually does have an impact on the markets. Here is the current picture for the @StateStreetETFs $SPY ETF for this Friday via our market indicators.
1/ Max Pain for the $SPY for this Friday and a definition of what Max Pain is...
2/ Here is the Open Interest as of this Friday options for $SPY and a definition for Open Interest