A case study with critical lessons indeed. What comes across as a solid quarterly win for Britannia was seemingly an outcome of sustained and relentless focus on key business operatives. #IshaINSIGHTonline#IshaINSIGHT
Let’s get to the crux of the matter as Ajay Kaul, Former CEO, Jubilant Foodworks (@dominos_india Pvt Ltd) interviews our Panel Speaker, Varun Berry, to unlock Britannia’s growth story in the lockdown phase. #IshaINSIGHTonline
INSIGHT ONLINE 2020 is an experience replete with discussions, debates and actions to set you up for success. Don't miss this opportunity!
Twitter has become an important public forum in our society and vital to our democracies. It's important to keep it clean of abuse, slander and vitriol. #EmptyTwitterTrash@TwitterIndia
It is time this Nation reclaims public forums from vested interests who will stoop to any level to spread false narratives and lies. Public platforms @TwitterIndia should assume responsibility for the manner in which they are (ab)used. @thekiranbedi@kiranshaw@samirsaran
When will @TwitterIndia take a stand against being a platform to peddle lies? In this country, are we going to continue to allow such a Band of Liars with obviously vested interests to rampantly propagate their fabrications by abusing public spaces? @MIB_India@rsprasad