This is the unassailable anomalous tell for anyone knowledgeable on the topic. The expert knock on mail-ins up until Nov 3rd was that they lead to lots of disqualified ballots. But Democrats fought to allow & harvest them en masse & then count them all at world historical rates.
This isn't complicated. It's a bloody obvious question to ask: all of a sudden these states allowed exponentially more harvested mail-ins than in past years and the ballots were all counted at a-historical rates in a way that obviously favored Biden.
Read @josh_hammer at @theammind and ask yourself: has anyone adequately answered these valid questions? Is any Democrat or anyone now calling themselves a moderate even trying to answer them?
No one should be getting angry at @TuckerCarlson or friends like @davereaboi at aiming at truth in regard to the election. The goal should simply be to ask and answer valid questions. The media is full of garbage, yes, but bold claims require solid evidence.
The truth, it seems to me, is that they made the illegal legal, or created a gray area to harvest and avoid disqualifying mail-ins.
Stuff like this happened and in many cases was technically legal and some not. Shady either way. Should be fought. But likelihood of proving it is slim to none, sadly.
It was totally legit for mainstream to accuse & investigate the President for 4yrs for stealing 2016 election by supposedly manipulating tech & being a Russian agent but constitutionally investigating the bizarre way the 2020 election played out is a dangerous conspiracy theory.
Anyone who cares about democracy will seek to allow a process to play out that proves that this one - in which the rules were changed last minute before it unfolded in whip-lash inducing manner - was legit for the sake of half the nation that is now plausibly concerned.
Showers of fact checks wildly claiming there's NO FRAUD EVER & all voting software/hardware that even libs were worried before last month are TOTALLY FINE doesn't cut it.
The idea that Trump has finally been vanquished politically, culturally, and on every other level & we can finally move on back into a glorious Obama-era managerial-class normal is just as insane now as it has been the last four years.
The "civic unrest" is just beginning.
The overly-swift jump into BIDEN WON (ANYTHING ELSE IS A CONSPIRACY THEORY) NOW WE WILL BUILD BACK BETTER & MAKE RESETS GREAT AGAIN FAST is a see-through psychological tell. Yrs of denialism & now a kind of rabid clinging to Biden win as faux-evidence their denial was correct.
BIDEN WON - NOW LET'S DO OBAMA THINGS AGAIN FAST FAST FAST QUICKLY NOW. Please. This denialism, as I've said for years, will only make the road even rockier than it has to be in the coming months and years.
Gonna create a voting software company called Authoritarian with all my Right leaning friends for use in swing states and third world countries alike and it’s gonna be totally lit and legit.
I’ll get @JackPosobiec and @RaheemKassam to do sales, @peterthiel to invest & chair Board, @ClaremontInst to provide expert political expertise. And as CEO of Authoritarian I guarantee it will provide only the best results to voters worldwide using most robust tech available.
“But Matt, aren’t a lot of Trump supporters and shadowy right-leaning figures and orgs involved with Authoritarian?”
Yes. All the best people who believe in the best things. But also YOUR DANGEROUS CONSPIRACY THEORY SUBVERTS DEMOCRACY AND THE RULE OF LAW, FRIEND-O.
1. Democrats filed 100s of lawsuits to allow ballot harvesting/mail-ins.
2. Democratic political machines held/counted them, making sure not to throw out all the disqualifiables.
3. Dem machines obstructed any potentially unfriendly observers.
What happened to observers is basically matter of public record.
What’s coming out now are world historically low rates of disqualified mail-in ballots...
This should all be fought like hell but likely little remedy to be found in courts at this point.
Without legal remedy, given the tainted vote Republicans in the disputed states now need to tell their state legislators to resolve the problem by choosing their own electors for Trump, which is a fully constitutional option that would lead to a rightful Trump victory.
Proving case for Biden doesn't require "studies show" & "experts say" that no fraud EVER occurs/no dead people EVER vote b/c our process is PERFECT & could NEVER be gamed or tampered w/, unless a R wins. Let's look at who pays for some of these experts, shall we?
You've probably seen people feverishly poasting reports like the Brennan Center produces claiming EVERYTHING IS FINE - NO CHEATING EVER:
What does the Brennan Center do? Their job is to get the vote out for the Left and oppose things like Voter ID laws. And guess who pays for them to issue reports saying voter fraud doesn’t exist? Heh.