🧵 So if you're wondering why disabled people specifically autistic, people are pissed at Sia, here's a summary of what happened in the last 48 hours. And Trigger warning because Sia gaslights and mocks disabled people. So around Thursday the trailer for see his new film “Music”
dropped and she was immediately criticized for having Maddie Ziegler pay an autistic character when not casting an autistic person. And apparently Sia doesn’t like being criticized because things went from bad to way worse.
In response, Sia said that they had cast somebody autistic in the role, but it was basically too hard to work with them, so they cast Maddie Ziegler instead. Also. It's a red flag When anybody can't say the word disability.
Ok, so last night I made a thread of using ableism as a strategy for talking about #TrumpHasCovid that will inevitably backfire on liberals, leftists and democrats.
Since then I have been saving GOOD EXAMPLES of communication around it threaded here:
The framing of Trump’s diagnosis as a result of his consistent recklessness even endangering the lives of those trying to protect him:
A lot of pundits tweeting about Trump’s diagnosis have no experience or desire to evaluate ableism in news media.
Many more have an active hand in perpetuating it. I am begging you all to listen to disabled people on how this would be used.
Thread 🧵
Let’s assume that all of the conspiracy theories as to why his diagnosis could have been faked don’t matter and that without a shadow of a doubt, he is 100% confirmed and believed to have COVID.
Here are 3 scenarios regarding his ailment and how it will play out in media.
1. He recovers fully and downplays the effects of the virus. His supporters continue to gaslight the public about the veracity of the virus and they make him into a folk hero for “overcoming” his diagnosis. They will effectively erase his record as president and substitute in
So, this thread by @/ztsamudzi got me all excited because I very rarely get to talk about what I actually have training in other than to stay alive as a disabled person.
So, let’s talk about conservatives’ attachment to the evangelical church with the lens of why 45 chose
To run as a Republican rather than a Democrat or independent: Branding.
After the passage of the civil rights act, the Republican Party could no longer rely on racial division as the party’s brand strategy so they made the decision to court evangelicals who were mostly
Not ardent voters.
When We consider this as a calculated brand strategy, things very quickly become clear.
To explain exactly how this is achieved, I made a tiktok (yes, I know) about something in place branding known as the “Bilbao Effect.”
A lot of Ableds are getting overly excited that his treatment of disabled vets is the thing that will finally “get him.”
But as black disabled people can tell you, despite threatening healthcare, social security and ableism, more white disabled people
Are invested in white supremacy than you think. This exit polling shows that despite all of that, half of disabled people still voted for trump. therespectabilityreport.org/2016/12/14/pol…
And.. don’t chalk this up to a “lack of intelligence among community members” which is ableist.
Madison Cawth*rne politicized his disability for a party that has: threatened healthcare, social security, programs for disabled people and has forced abortions on disabled people.
Transcript: hey, so I know you’ve been fed a steady diet of inspiration porn of people with disabilities, and let me just tell you. This isn’t the place.
If you’re going to use those inaccurate representations of disabled people to speak over our community, then, fuck you,
This isn’t the place.
If you’re going to use your proximity to the disability community to silence us, again, this isn’t the place.
Let me be perfectly clear, if if you’re only going to listen to disabled people as long as you’re inspired, this isn’t the place.