@DerekGriffin86 LBP is complex & the social of BPS the code breaker between the dichotomization of pain science & biomechanics. I never got it when Waddell introduced Engel’s BPS model only focusing on biomechanics or YFs. Now I see social/environmental context as Job 1 to unmask. @_Tyson_Beach
@DerekGriffin86@_Tyson_Beach “Kind Care Requires Unhurried Conversations
Health care providers must have time to know their patients in “high definition” to best meet their needs.”
@DerekGriffin86@_Tyson_Beach “psychological factors are only the tip of the iceberg. Social & contextual factors,which have largely been overlooked in sports medicine, directly impact health outcomes,well-being & sport injury recovery by facilitating or impeding health & health behaviour change” @LKTphysio
@DerekGriffin86@_Tyson_Beach@LKTphysio@jpcaneiro@JanHartvigsen@PeteOSullivanPT@chadcookpt “Despite the development of critical thinking about PT, the assumptions of the still-dominant positivistic biomedical paradigm that values objective science above any other approach & sees the body-as-machine as a problem to be fixed, go unchallenged in the mainstream.”
@DerekGriffin86@_Tyson_Beach@LKTphysio@jpcaneiro@JanHartvigsen@PeteOSullivanPT@chadcookpt “person-centeredness entails listening and ‘being with’ rather than ‘doing to’ patients.” “effective person-centered practice means that “the clients expect from the professional to be an authority with regard to biomedical issues & to be a partner with regard to PS issues.”
@DerekGriffin86@_Tyson_Beach@LKTphysio@jpcaneiro@JanHartvigsen@PeteOSullivanPT@chadcookpt “it is not the person alone at its center, because rehabilitation is a social complex of practices that involves both the immediate stakeholders—patients, practitioners, family,& friends—and the macro-level of hospitals, politics, economics & taken-for-granted norms.”
@Peter_Stilwell work termed enactive gives a fresh scientific honest perspective on the Bio vs Pain Sci dichotomization. It’s not just blaming a disc or an output of brain but taking a broader approach.
“persistence of pain alters a person’s field of affordances: the unfolding set of action possibilities that a person perceives as available to them.” @Peter_Stilwell @MichaelTamePain @sconinxphil - 1
“Addressing chronic pain should involve more than just looking for & treating a ‘root cause’” - 2
“Patients often search for a medical diagnosis as a ‘holy grail’ which allows them to determine the cause of their pain, leads to a specific treatment, and also protects against social stigmatization as it proves that the pain is valid and not ‘all in their head’” - 3
“Chronic pain constitutes a burden for those concerned because it limits the subject’s abilities to move towards an optimal grip in the interaction with the world.” @Pete_Stilwell @sconinxphil -1
“the rubber band is stretched for so long that the structure cannot return to a default stance: pain becomes a deep-rooted part of the person’s history, present, and future.” - 2
“negative predictions may be partly generated & reinforced through unhelpful social feedback loops. For example, others commonly transmit messages of rest & avoidance of usual activities beyond acute phases (e.g., ‘be careful’, ‘don’t hurt yourself’, ‘stop if you feel pain’)” - 3
“there is increasing concern about low-back disability and its current medical management…
the role of medicine in that epidemic must be critically examined.” (1)
“The traditional medical model of disease is contrasted with a biopsychosocial model of illness…
This model is used to compare rest and active rehabilitation for low-back pain.” - 2
“Rest is the commonest treatment prescribed after analgesics but is based on a doubtful rationale, and there is little evidence of any lasting benefit. There is, however, little doubt about the harmful effects… - 3
1.Theres a lot of debate today in the LBP field specifically & musculoskeletal pain in general about manual therapy vs exercise. Motor control vs strength training. The role of patient education, etc. @JeremyLewisPT pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34102533/
2. The issue of client preferences is a no brainer to me as I’m in the trenches & validate my clients #livedexperience. I seek interaction & collaboration. @MyCuppaJo
3. This way I’m able to guide by the side & be an Alfred rather than a “fix it” Batman Superhero for them. @jasonsilvernail@MKargelaDPT
1) A non-linear BPS approach for persistent MSP consists of an enactive reconceptualization designed to expand affordances & ⬇️ FABs associated w/ embodied past experiences. Such behavioral experimentation aims to support an ecologically valid positive experience w/ movement.
2) Here is an example of such a behavioral experiment w/ an AT I had never met before at a workshop in Winnipeg @MeganPomarensky This models what I learned from K Lewit, S Linton, G Waddell, Fordyce & others. Today it is best taught by @PeteOSullivanPT
3) @bunzli_s @jpcaneiro & Pete O have written w/ great clarity about the steps of “Guided behavioural experiments” here - much of this is about identifying & coaching clients to alter over-protective behavior like guarded movements or breath holding.