For 3 weeks, I’ve posted repeatedly about the *only* two cases of voter fraud in PA.
100’s of GOP lawyers looking, still it’s *just* these two cases.
That both involve Trump voters-while impossibly humorous-illustrates how rare + profoundly difficult to commit voter fraud is.
Why hasn’t Dan Patrick paid anyone for the evidence of voter fraud he offered a reward for?
Why? Because his “reward” is as mythical as voter fraud. 🦄
100% of any reward would go the @PghFoodBank or to one in TX.
✅ 2 votes out of +/- 7M.
✅ 2 votes that didn’t even count.
3rd case is conspiracy to commit partisan fraud. 🙄
👉 Voter fraud is hard. 😳
“Commissioners said Thomas Altman, 70, of Ligonier, improperly coordinated efforts with a Republican campaign poll watcher to challenge contested provisional ballots.”
How is she any less warped or tragic than any other of their cases or attorneys in PA?
Nearly 3 weeks after the election, my dude in Forty Fort + his dead mom still represents *50%* of the total voter fraud in PA out of 7M votes.
I legitimately have as much proof Joe Biden won Texas as the President has he won Pennsylvania.
Let me be clear, if you take away all of the voter fraud in Pennsylvania that involved illegally voting for Trump, you do not have one single, documented case of voter fraud in Pennsylvania.
Even after death threats, his unflinching integrity and commitment to a free, fair and true election in Philadelphia, prevented orchestrated chaos from spiraling out of control, while fully capturing the true democratic will of his city.
We are in his debt in Pennsylvania.
The amount of chaos prevented by @Commish_Schmidt is only matched by the mass harm + upheaval he could have *easily* inflicted were he not a person of impeccable integrity.
He stood up to the President- as a Republican. If only other prominent R’s had that kind character. 🇺🇸